Aug 07, 2006 01:45
Oh my god. The second Jacqui chat was AMAZING. I got like 5 questions answered!!! She answered one I asked about audition advice, and she actually said "Kelz" that time! JACQUELINE MCKENZIE WISHED ME A HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABOUT A MONTH AGO AND SAID MY NAME AN HOUR AGO!!! AND SHE GAVE A SHOUT-OUT TO MASSACHUSETTS!!! This is like the biggest high ever. I LOVE that I can achieve that without actual drugs.
It was phenomenal. I was seriously considering not doing this one because I tried the first and didn't get any of my questions answered - most likely because I didn't ask a million repeatedly. But I did this time (thanks to the wonderful advice of someone in the community I don't co-mod as well as I should), and I ended up having to make some of them random to do it effectively, but she answered the ones I really cared about. And the audition advice was actually really good, something I think I would have been pretty likely to screw up otherwise. I just...gahh! I would be squeeing my ASS off right now if my parents weren't sleeping in the next room. She is so genuinely sweet, and tonight was like a dream. Best night of the summer, and that's going up against the premiere of something with her and William H. Macy.
It was the perfect demonstration of how many people love her. She left it to the open chat setting after it was over, and people were like "WE LOVE YOU!" "DON'T LEAVE!" "SING FOR US!" over and over again. It was insane, and so awesome at the same time, the way comments just poured in.
Okay, now "Shy Baby" is giving me a headache, so I should probably go to bed even though I'm sure I won't fall asleep for like 3 hours. I LOVE LIFE SO MUCH RIGHT NOW (seriously, when I'm being all ungrateful, people need to remind me about this).
jacqueline mckenzie