OMG. Eleanor + epiphany!

Jun 11, 2006 21:37

Eleanor Carter is a completely different person. I swear to god. She is nothing like what I saw before; it's like this complete reversal. I thought she'd live her entire life out in her whole miserable, numbed emotional state and never change. I was always like "How can they do that to a character? That's not ER. It's so not." I guess my scene reenactments and additions were all good to get a feel for the state she'd been in for however many years, but the change is still huge. It actually has potential for pre-backstory, if it's possible to attribute the way she was in her last 2 episodes to a pattern she had in the actual backstory. This is like the hugest thing ever.

It was kind of like finding an easter egg. Which sounds so lame. But I've watched those episodes so many times, and everything with Eleanor was just something I had pretty much memorized, and suddenly there's this new thing. So...yeah.

Anyway. I'm studying for Bio the rest of the night and skipping the season premiere of The 4400. I might just watch it on Thursday, because I'll be studying for French all day tomorrow and learning a chapter I pretty much missed for Algebra. It's weird how I actually give a shit about passing my finals this year.

Also, everyone listen to the first song here. I love Lemon Demon more than ever now. Similar to how I love Eleanor more than ever now, just...Eleanor isn't the oldest man on MySpace. At least I hope not. But seriously, best song ever.

I'm the oldest man on Myspace,
on the old computer by my rest home bed.
All my blogs are rambling tales of bygone times.
Everyone in my Top Eight is dead.

When I see a teenaged girl
all made up like a whore,
it takes me straight back
to the second world war...
But I know she'll never love
an old fart like me,
which is why I put my age
as 23.

I'm the oldest man on Myspace,
wheezing to a My Chemical Romance song.
I'm writing out my will in glitter text.
I'm giving everything to Tom...

What's that smell?


I'm the oldest man on Myspace
I'm the oldest man on Myspace
I'm the oldest man on Myspace
I'm the oldest man on Myspace
I'm the oldest man on Myspace....

Um, I haven't had a Mary-tagged entry since February. That's longer than my February-June anti-prfctnstfreak phase last year. It's a weird entry. In my defense...there's nothing in my defense. I suck. I refuse to let go of this one. *clutches*

er, mary mcdonnell

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