Heh. Pitchforks.

Dec 15, 2005 21:08

Just a heads-up, for anyone who doesn't have my shared icon journal flisted, I posted a few Patricia Heaton icons there. I was kind of hoping to finish my Eleanor Carter ones, but...I'll get to it soon.

Clicky. (guidelines and stuff in userinfo btw)

Anyway, on...whatever other note that exists...I swallowed another one of those pill things today! It was SO exciting. It's totally like learning how to blow bubbles or use a yo-yo...both of which I couldn't do until I was like 12. Shut up. But yeah. Totally fun.

And...what else happened? Ooh, I started writing a Roslin-POV drabble during study. About the...awesome spoilery thing I'm still just as excited about. Being descriptive was SO fun. I totally never get to do that. Mainly because I hate it. But twas awesome. Definitely want to keep working on that.

So...that'd be it. Although I am going insaaaane with all these stupid "closing up the year" articles I keep getting through alerts. They ALWAYS have to say who died. And then you add in when they talk about the premiere for The Producers and everything, which are SO sad. I know I like...don't shut up about this, but...it's so frakking heartbreaking. He loved her so much and it's so hard for him to deal with her being gone that he can't be around big crowds or anything, and...god. She was supposedly doing really well, too...and then she got worse and then...yeah. How depressing is that???

anne bancroft

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