lmao I heart this show

Dec 01, 2005 23:53

omg so good. I mean, Goran Visnjic singing a Barry Manilow song. Life does not get better than that, I swear. And then sex is always nice. I think I'm more of a Carby person, though. Because I totally wonder about how Eleanor would be taking in Carter/Kem. Because like...evil. Bleh. Ooh and the thing with Kerry being all like "I will be in the ER more" suddenly made me think...I mean, wtf is going on? She used to be a semi-important character with an outside life. But the wife dies and it's like she doesn't even have the kid or anything??? I saw her and I was like "Oh, it's Kerry. Um...okay." And 2 years ago I thought she was the greatest thing EVER. Like during the preview for the holiday episode thie year, I just had these random flashbacks to the holiday episode around the time I started watching...I had just found it the week before and SO desperately needed to see more of Kerry and she was there for like ten seconds, so for the rest of the episode I was like "Who the FUCK is this Carter guy? I don't give a shit about him!" And then I watched the Kerry part over and over and over again. And...recorded the audio of it and brought my tape player to school just so I could listen to that over and over again. This is clearly one of those "You know you're a loser when" things. And I heart it. And...holy crap, so much homework. *freaks out*


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