TONIGHT! Meeting of the Concerned Citizin Foot Patrol

Jun 28, 2007 08:30

Concerned Citizens Foot Patrol
Meeting and Walk

Tonight June 28th
Meeting and Socializing
8pm to 9pm
Walk/Foot Patroling
9pm till 11ish

Meet at 2665 N Pierce St

Tracy and Jen are two awesome ladies who after being mugged at gunpoint decided to do something positive to help create a safer community for there friends and our neighbors. Neither of them live in Riverwest but for a year now they have been meeting up almost EVERY Thursday (9pm-11ish) Friday and Saturday(Midnight to 2:30am) with other friends and neighbors to walk the streets, the bars all have tracys personal cell number and it is flyered so anyone can call and ask to be escorted home.

After a year I think it is time we start giving them a little more support, they only go if there are at least 4 people walking, and I would like to see them have some of there weekends free and still have the Foot Patrol go strong!

Please come tonight if you can or meet up Thursdays at 9pm Fri/Sat at midnight outside the Bremen Cafe.
Contact info for the Concerned Citizens

Thank You
Wendy Mesich
wendym @ 241-3069
Co-Chair Riverwest Neighborhood Association

scout on my lap

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