Mar 05, 2007 21:11
"""I'd laugh if I had teberculosis. TB is like, my favorite disease. Like, Casey is to Mono as I am to TB."""
this made me laugh in a.. sick way
like haha mono =]
bev+casey=tb+mono =]
bev+tb= ]=
my mouth hurts
i wish i had lukeplakia because then i could never talk and be like a monk and be able to listen to the sounds around me and maybe understand life better.. who are we kidding if i couldnt talk id make noises with my mouth because id think it was funny.
tomorrow is kevin-martins-16th-birthday
mine is 21 days after that
i get to get stuff peirced =]
and my sister asked me for my mailing adress today so she can send me birthday money =]]
and i told my brother and he started freaking out because she dosnt sent him anything
umm shes not his sister
she has never met him? alright good guess there buddy
his family never sends me shit =//
my hands are really dry
i want to spend forever in last summer
i want that summer to never end
please come back? thanks.
maybe we can make it work again this summer
aunt said i can spend it there
but hey casey your turning 16 in like 22 days
you have to pay for car incurence =/
and soon gas money
looks like someone is going to need a job
fuck the real world
lets rewind my life to last summer
before i was diagnosed with everones
;that sonds like its probably.... take these pills they'll fix you'
maybe the reason half the people in the world are as fucked up as they are is because people say
'your not supostue be like that'
'take these pills'
' i think you might have this'
'your crazy'
'your phyco'
and then everyones wayy toooo busy talking shit about everyonens s pants
and 'the thinks they did to so and so' to actualy get to know someone is maybe why everyones getting shot and stabbed i wish bad people wore sighns saying
'dont talk to me ill shoot you'
'don't talk to me im a rapist'
'don't talk to me ill kidnap you and tie you up and torchure you'
'be carful im a bitch'
and then the good people will have sighs that say things like
' sup lets chill'
'i like to go bowling'
' i like long walks on the beach, and candle light dinners'
it would make judging people eaiser
i need to organise my shit for school so i can learn how to pass my algebra 1 class bye.