Mar 11, 2007 20:04
- i have no motivation to do anything. any of my homework right now
- i still don't have a job, and by the looks of it, AE probably really ISN'T going to hire me right now, which blows.
+ i got offered sex last night
- too bad it was by someone who i don't want sexy from
- I feel like I'm losing people...
+ very good prospects to go see Kat at the end of May!
+ that means my first time in Maryland!
- i need to meet new people.
+ i found people to live with next semester
- but. we still don't know where we're going to leave.
- Lisa is leaving us next semester, meaning i won't see her all the time.
- i still am not feeling all that great.
+ i'm getting a car this summer :)
+ ummm.....yeah i don't know what else.