(no subject)

Dec 02, 2004 08:05

Well, I am going to email my teachers today, and see if they will give me a WP (Withdrawl Passing) instead of a WE (Withdrawl Failing). Hopefully they will be kind. I doubt it though, and I can't say I blame them. I am a godd student when I decide to actually show up for class, but I miss assignments, and lectures, and I think they think I am hopeless. Trust me, things are going to change next semester.

On another note, I just got an email from our good friend Alex. He is enjoying his life in Michigan, and raves about Gucci, Prada, Armani, and Guy Boss. He loves his job, has tons of friends, and is living life to the fullest.

Am I a bad friend if I say this depresses me just a bit? Don't get me wrong, I am happy for him, but everyone else's life seems like shit, so why should his life be so swell? I think it is Southern Illinois. Maybe the Marion-Carbondale area in gengral. Maybe it WAS this huge burrial ground for the Native Americans, and we white folks just came along and took it from them. They placed a huge curse on the land that whoever lived here would be miserable, and presto, here we are today.

What do you think? Sound like a good explanation to me.

Really quick, before I sign off. I have something to say to YOU.

Thank you for calling me last night. It felt so good to connect with someone for just a few minutes, that it made my life feel like this rut was just temporary, and it would all be over soon. You really made what was a shitty day turn out to be not so shitty. You are one of my best friends and I love you with all my heart.

Thank you so much.
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