Jun 09, 2005 23:07
im sooooo bored, kyle just left so i did this!
T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . .
- Name: elisabet lucille link
- Birthplace: mons, belgium
- B-day Month: october
- Current Location: Owensboro, KY
- Eye color: Dark blue and green
- Hair color: brown with blonde and white streaks
- Height: 5*2
- Righty or Lefty: righty
- Your heritage: german and american
- Shoes you wore today: my mexican funeral shoes
- Your weakness: chocolate and shopping
- Your strengths: dance, acting, shopping well, singing, painting and making sweet passionate love...just jokn about the last one
- Your fears: monkeys, anything that crawls and feet
- Your perfect pizza: Cheese and soy pepperonies
- Goal you'd like to achieve: survive my senoir year and make it through college and to prove to everyone that im not just stupid i actually know somethings
- Your thoughts first waking up: 5 more minutes or my ceiling is really neato
- Your bedtime: just whenever
- Your most missed memory: ballet and rhythmic gymnastics
- Pepsi or coke: RC
- McDonald's or Burger King: applebees
- Single or Group dates: i want boff
- Best friends: LacEy HOpe, ashley, kat!e and jenna jenna
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend: kyle yess or according to sunny klye less
- Adidas or Nike: converse
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: sleepytime tea
- Chocolate or Vanilla: strawberry
- Cappuccino or Coffee: I want boff
- Smoke: noppers
- Cuss: yes im such a horrible person
- Sing: yes
- Take a shower: heck yes i do
- Do you think you've been in love: yes and i am right now (awwww...f'ers)
- Want to go to college: Of course
- Where: EKU or columbia but that will never happen!
- Like(d) high school: love it
- Want to get married: heck yes i do
- Believe in yourself: heck yes i do! if i believe it then i can be it....just like the song!
- Get motion sickness: No
- Think you're attractive: somewhat
- Think you're a health freak: most of the time
- Get along with your parent(s): for the most part
- Like thunderstorms: heck no i dont! i f'n hate them!
- Play an instrument: no....but i do have a guitar
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: france
I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol:yes
- Smoked: nope im allergic
- Done a drug: noppers
- Had sex : oh baby every night.....again just joking
- Made out: heck yes i have about 30 minutes ago!
- Gone on a date: yes
- Gone to the mall: yes i went tonight
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no....im more of a chips ohoy kind of girl
- Eaten sushi: nope im a vegitarian
- Been on stage: yes
- Been dumped: nope
- Gone skating: yes on a skateboard
- Made homemade cookies: nope i cant cook to save my life
- Gone skinnydipping: maybe.....are you serious its like -20 degrees outside!
- Dyed your hair: yeah i do that every month sometimes twice a month
- Stolen anything: from kyle and others
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yes
- If so, was it mixed company: ... yes
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: cant say that i have
- Been caught, you know: nope
- Been called a tease: yeah kyle calls me that all the time
- Gotten beaten up: just play fighting but never forreal
- Shoplifted: yes
- Changed who you were to fit in: nope....if you dont like me i could really careless...
- Age you hope to be married: 21-25 i cant wait that long for sex...LoL
- Described your dream wedding: yup
I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .
# of drugs taken illegally: 0
# of people I could trust with my life: 50+
# of CDs that i own: oh gosh!
# of piercings: 2, my ears
# of tattoos: 0 but not after graduation!
# of scars on my body: alot im a clutz lol
S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What kind of shampoo do you use? Aussie
- What are you most scared of? loving someone and having them not feel the same wa back
- What are you listening to right now? air
- Who is the last person that called you? amy clark
- How many buddies are online right now? like 11
- How many are away: like 7
- What would you change about yourself? MY BOOBS! and everything except my legs, eyes and butt
F a v o r i t e . . .
- Color: pink teal and black
- Food: spinich and artichoke dip from applebees
- Boy's name(s): teluce alexander
- Girl's name(s): Ellisana Zelda
- Subject(s) in school: chemistry, forensic chemistry
- Animal(s): kitties, flamingos and certain types of dogs
- Sport(s): dance, soccer and baseball
H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath? just myself
- Got high? off of perscription stuff
- Bungee jumped? no im scared of falling
- Made yourself throw up? nope
- Been in love? yes i have and i am right now
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? well duh
- Pictured your crush naked? heck yes i have!
- Actually seen your crush naked? nope
- Cried when someone died? yes my g-pa
- Lied? of course everyone has
- Fallen for your best friend? nope
- Been rejected? no actually, im pretty freakn lucky!
- Rejected someone? many times!
- Used someone? yes
- Done something you regret? havent we all??
R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: my hello kitty prostitute shorts my pink cami tanktop and my tinkerbell houseshoes
- Music you're listening to: Take It Away~The Used
- Time where you are: 1:38 AM
- Annoyance thats... eh, annoying you: my eyes are burning
- Smell you're... eh, smelling: lillies
- Favorite artist: too many to count!
- Favorite Group: the used and my chemical romance
- Current Desktop picture: me and lacey hope
- Book you're reading: The Adventures of Huck Finn and i really want to shoot myself cuz i hate it!
- CD in the player: The Used, something that kyle burned for me
- DVD in the player: Kill Bill Vol. 2 (GOOD MOVIE)
L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: kyle.....
- Hugged: kyle again
- IM'd: jenna jenna
- Yelled at: kyle but we were joking around
- Felt sorry for: the girl that walks really funnie on Napoleon Dynamite
- Missed terribly: my daddy....hes been gone for 6 weeks but hes coming home tomorrow! :)
- Felt loved by: kyle
- Kissed: kyle
- Spoke to: me madre
- Cried to: lacey cuz i got that chemical burn on my knee at practice
- Cried over: trey...wow really long time ago!!!
W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Kill: hehehe....the cheerleaders
- Slap: umm....all preps, really stupid people, and people that think that they can dance when they really cant at all!
- Get high with: i dunno bout that one
- Look like: me just with bigger boobs
- Talk to face to face: my brother! i miss him so!
R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning I look like: what i usually look like all day....crap!
- All I need is: music, kyle, a skateboard and my closest friends....and my parents
-Are you happy this is over: heck yes i am!
-See you later: hugs not drugs!!!