this thing i stole from taylor ((thanks taylor!!!!))

Jun 19, 2005 20:38

First grade teacher's name:: um mrs. mackey i think?

Last word you said: alright
Last song you sang: When the sand runs out -- Rascal Flatts
Last thing you laughed at:: mine & alyssas miscomunication lol
Last time you cried:: last night. but that was the first time in a while..

What's in your cd player?: Relient K duh!
What color socks are you wearing?: dont have any on
What's under your bed?: lots of crap that i never got around to cleaning out
What time did you wake up today?: 9 o'clock for church

Current hair:: down curly and all screwed up.

Current clothes:: some big tee and jean shorts
Current annoyance:: guys and not being able to get ahold of my friends when i really need them

Current smell:: strawberries
Current longing:: to talk to ashley and get to Creation.
Current desktop picture:: Matt @ Creation last year!!

Current favorite music artist:: Relient K & Rascal Flatts

Current book:: haven't been reading books only magizines

Current hate:: lots of things going on right now.
story behind your username: um its a Relient K song

Current favorite article of clothing:: air guitar star shirt from Delias!
Favorite physical feature on a guy?: abs; smile; eyes; hair
Line from the last thing you wrote to someone:: lol
I'm Happiest When :: im with my friends of course
I feel lonely when:: now and when i need to talk and no one can/will listen
Favorite authors:: idk nor do i care
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?:: anywhere as long as my friends where near by!

Famous person you have met:: M@! <33 ;)

Do you have any regrets?: yes. lots

Sex or love:: love definatly
Favorite coffee:: i hate coffee

Favorite smell:: the ocean or strawberries

What makes you mad?:: not to much usally my brother and once in a while friends & family
Favorite way to waste time:: listening to music & talking on the phone or doing stupid things with my friends
What is your best quality?: idk if i have one.
Are in currently in love/lust?: ha! i wish.
What's the craziest thing you have ever done?: where should i start? rolling down the snowy hill? drinking crap ash put together that i didnt know what it was? killing a rabbit? to many more to type..
Do you have any bad habits?: not that i can think of

Do you find it hard to trust people?: not usually.

Last thing you bought yourself: 2 tanks from Delias
Bath of shower?: shower
Favorite season: summer or winter

Favorite color: don't have one maybe green
Favorite flavor: strawberrie

Favorite time of day: anytime except when i have to sleep
Gold or silver? silver

Do you wear a watch?: noooo
Favorite stores::DELIAS!!!
How big is your closet?: its a walk in but its not that big
Ever spend more then $200 in a store?: sure why not?

Do your friends know everything about you?:: pretty muchh
What do they tend to be like?:: very outgoing & fun, do crazy stuff, talk alot, very loud
Can you count on them?: yes!
Can they count on you?: yes

book you read:: idk
last movie you saw:: sweet home alabama
movie you saw on the big screen::hitch lol haven't been to the movies in a while :b
show you watched on tv:: 7th Heaven
song you heard:: heres to you -- rascal flatts
drink you drank:: root beer
thing you ate:: chocolate cake

time you showered:: this morning duh!
time you smiled:: like 5 minutes ago
time you laughed:: same time i smiled?
person you hugged:: denise
person you talked to online: alyssa or bryanna i think
person you talked to on the phone:: Denise
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