Mar 01, 2011 09:02
“Be like water,” he typed. I could imagine his eyes squinting with concentrated thought. “Even when rocks are tossed into it, there are ripples but the body stays the same.”
People collect the weirdest advice when going through a breakup.
“Don’t think about it. Don’t think about me - they are just trouble. Just say no,” one of my girlfriends tells me.
Don’t think about pink elephants! What are you thinking about? Pink elephants. And how do you just catch a thought and destroy it? No, Mr. Thought, you are intruding. Get the hell out before I call an extinguisher.
“Some people are just… bad people,” one of my guy friends tells me. “In his case, a really bad person.”
Fabulous! I loved the man, what does that say about me?
“He’s clearly disturbed.”
Perhaps this isn’t a case where opposite attract.
“I’m sorry. His loss.”
Sometimes less is more.
“You know, that really breaks my heart to hear,” he says, stirring his drink.
“Why is that? It happens. People use you,” I muttered, frowning.
“It shouldn’t happen to you.” There’s a look in his eye I have seen occasionally. It’s protective, intense. I look away.
“It did, and it has before. I’ve never had somebody fall in love with me. I’ve never had that experience.”
“Out of everybody I know, you deserve it. You really, really do.”