day 13 → a fictional book

Jan 16, 2010 21:27

I'm excluding Harry Potter, because duh.

Currently, I am reading Elegance of the Hedgehog, and it is as well written as any fictional novel that I would praise. Modern fiction of a decent quality is hard to find, much harder that Flannery O' Conner ever thought a man was to find. With so many authors following, God forbid, Stephenie Meyer, ideas are flat, used, and boring. Romance is stupid as a general genre. I typically read literature, older things that have earned a slot in history. Proust, Twain, Tolstoy, Flaubert, Orwell, so on.

But, check out Hedgehog, if you want a simple plot with such intense ideas about society and class, and what being truly intelligent means. It is brilliant.

My runner up would probably be A Clockwork Orange, one of the most disturbing novels ever written.
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