radiantbaby came over for Movie Night (tm). I enjoy movie night.
radiantbaby arrived around quarter to seven and we hung out in the kitchen while
oneandonlymatt cooked us dinner. This week we tried a Weight Watchers recipe for Chicken Fried Rice. It was YUMMY, I must say. It was made with brown rice and diced chicken and peas and carrots. There was also egg beaters and chopped garlic in it. Yummo.
Dinner conversation is always great, we talked about a lot of stuff ranging from relatives to PCon. We also talked at length about the Aphrodisia we are hosting this weekend as part of the Artemis Mounykhia ritual group. I am very much looking forward to that.
After dinner we watched the Scifi chanel miniseries of Battlestar Galactica. I had forgotten how long it was so I just stuck it in the DVD player and hit play. I surprised myself by staying up to watch the whole thing! It was three hours long and I when
radiantbaby left it was nearly midnight! Needless to say, I went right to bed at that point. It was neat to watch the miniseries again after investing several years to the series itself. There were all kinds of neat things that I picked up on. BSG is by far the best TV show on television (Heroes coming a close second so far, but it is new). I hope that
radiantbaby liked it. It is so much the same yet so vastly different from the original series so it is hard to judge what old-school fans are going to think.
Today I am at work. Frankly this morning has been crazy but I am hoping the afternoon is quieter. This weekend certainly won't be.
Tomorrow morning I have to be back up in Alpharetta for my company Kick Off meeting by 8am. That will last until 12:30 and then I run home and change for the Hellenion Libation to Aphrodite at Big Trees (come if you are in the area) at 2pm. Then we adjourn back to my place after lunch and prepare for the Aphrodisia.
On Sunday I think I can relax.