Aug 10, 2010 12:47
They say Mondays are bad. Well, my Tuesday has been pretty sucky.
I got a phone call from a friend first thing this morning to let me know that apparently my hotmail was hacked because that classic money scam email "I'm stuck in London - Please Help!"
Well, I am not in London - I am safely in Atlanta where I belong. However, if you do want to send money I would never refuse.
BUT, the hackers have *everything*. My hotmail, my wheezinggirl gmail, my blogs, my facebook...
It does appear that my banking information, my credit cards, and my phone are all fine. I changed all the security stuff on those to be safe and will monitor them regularly.
It is just a pain. Facebook's solution - to delete your account. I use facebook for *everything*! It'll be a pain in the ass to recreate it all.
But anyway - I just wanted to let everyone know I appear to be fine. And in Atlanta and not recently mugged or attacked.