Mar 19, 2005 17:00
Yesterday was a pretty cool day. I was going to wake up at 9 am so I could drive to Pburg, but instead woke up at 7 and couldn't go back to sleep. I imagine I was far too excited or... something.
I got to Pburg a little after 12, and hung with Adam and Chris, waiting on Jordan and Dana. While we were there, we loaded up Adam's car for the 1 minute drive over to the community center, and I found out that over break, Chris had proposed to his gf of several years and she'd accepted. This comes as no surprise to me. He knew he was going to propose. She knew he was going to propose. Both their parents knew he was going to propose. All of Chris's friends knew he was going to propose. This is awesome. I think they're planning on getting married in July. I know where I'm going to be!
ANYWAY... Jordan showed up with our friend Dana, and we brought our stuff over to the community center where we set up and tested out Adam's unfamiliar vintage equipment. It was cool. Afterwards, we went back to Adam's house to eat the food Adam's mom had very nicely prepared for us. Then we went out on a quest to find the guitar peddle I'd been planning on buying all week and to get some earplugs. We listened to Queen on a tape deck with the windows down, and it was awesome (too bad we never got to Bohemian Rhapsody...). Picked up the stuff, then headed back to the place and practiced until the guys from Scenes showed up. Headed back to Adam's house and ate dinner, then waited til Adam's gf Morganna showed up and headed back to discover that the guys from Scenes were STILL soundtesting. And soundtesting. And soundtesting. Etc. The other band (Dustin...) showed up and we waited while Scenes From a Movie continued to soundtest. Gr...
Anyway, people showed up, and that makes me happy, especially people that I knew. I was surprised and delighted to have friends there. More Than Conquerers played sans bassist (he couldn't make it), and they played a good set.
Then it was our turn. We set up and played our set, and for us did a really good job. People seemed to like us (granted, a lot of people there were friends so it's always hard to tell if they mean it or are just pretending). We played our set very well for us, even though Adam did break a string and have to switch guitars mid song.
It was a good time. Hopefully our things in April go as well.
Thanks for coming those who did, and those who didn't, well, we'll be trying to play in Huntington soon, so it's no big.