To refute the urban myth that I, one Wheez, cannot cook...I bring proof!
Tonight I made
These be noodles.
Have discovered that organic udon noodles are...tasty.
Note: Do not over-stir the noodles, or they will break and become as mush.
If you leave them alone, they are happier.
Vegetables...I haz them!
My peppers are sexy.
Hoisin Sauce...homemade evens.
You want know you do.
The finished product was most delicious!
/bragging about mad skillz
Oh and just a few minutes ago I totally busted my next-door neighbor creeping on my bandwidth. We just recently replaced a modem and hadn't secured it yet, although we do secure our computers. Then I go in to put some pics in Grant's public drive and yo...WTF is JENNY? *in mah network, creeping on mah bandwidth* Huh. Neighbor's name is ...Jenny. So first I raided their public shared folders (just in case she haz porn) but all I found is that she plays Pharoh. *disappointed* Then Grant went in and told the modem to refuse to recognize that computer so if she tries again she'll see a strong signal and an unsecured source...but it won't let her in. BAWWWWW...for you. Naughty to steal bandwidth. Unless you're me. But only in public places. I'm not a ass-raeping pirate moocher!
*it is the moocher's duty to protect the store while the owner is away*