ch ch ch changes

May 24, 2007 00:28

I’m going through a lot of changes…They came on slow, so many of them I didn’t even notice, they just sort of fell into place and now I’m used to it, but I am finding new ones every day.

It’s very odd, it’s like I have found this tranquil place in my life, but I’m so used to being a warrior, I can feel my instincts pull at me to keep guarded and ready for a fight…but there is no reason, and I’m slowly beginning to put my weapons and armor away.

I have been through so much in the last year and a half; I ended things with Paul (thank god), I separated from Rob, went through a period of complete instability, lost my job, starved, found another job (a much, much better job), went from every day with my child to two weekends a month, found the man of my dreams, fell in love, and now I’m looking forward to another move. Life has gotten so much better, don’t get me wrong, but I’m glad that my little roller coaster of mini disasters is calming. I’m planning on laying roots down (which I have been meaning to do for sometime now) and really start to thrive. I have so many plans, after the divorce is final; I plan to get out of debt, get a car, go back to school…I feel really free, and really centered. I’m feeling really healthy in my life, and that is such an amazing place to be.

Amongst the changes that I’ve noticed so far, I see that I’m not reading the blogs of the people on my friends list on either Live Journal or Myspace…it’s time to cull the heard. I’m not removing everyone, just the people whom I tend to skip when reading down the list if I remove you, and you don’t like it, let me know, and I will re-ad you :)
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