For my little Pink Princess

Sep 03, 2005 00:29

Krissie tagged me, and when the Pink Queen speaks, one answers.

List 10 things that bring you joy
Tag 5 friends to do the same

In no particular order, because that'd be too rough...
and this isn't necessarily everything -- it just said 10 things -- not THE 10 things

1. When people unexpectedly call or contact me to check in and see how things are going when I least expected them to. (Adrian and Amy Donoghue win these awards of the week.)
2. Hearing totally awesome stories about how prayer. does. work. (since I'm giving out awards -- mom takes the cake this week for this one!)
3. Ripley, and her cute little wiggleness.
4. Stargazing and contemplating the meaning of life, or, not speaking at all, and being okay with both options.
5. Feeling God's arms wrapped around me.
6. Warm brownies, good coffee, or familiar-tasting ice cream.
7. Little presents -- both giving and receiving -- that have more meaning then any amount of money could, but are perfectly timed. (I've been all about the "coincidences" lately.)
8. Turning on the radio (or hitting "random" on the cd player) and hearing that favorite song I haven't heard in forever.
9. Really knowing, believing, and admitting everything's gonna be okay.
10. Hugs in any way shape or form.

1. Gray-ham K.
2. Chad "BatBoy" Baker
3. C-Tina Harvey
4. Amy "Lil Sis" C.
5. AnyonewhoIdidn'tlistbecauseIlikereadingthesethingsandtheymakeyoufeelbetter!
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