Jan 09, 2006 14:32
taken from kits_meow in the bf_salon community:
The following post originated at Craigslist, but has since been cross-posted to websites, personal LJs and message boards everywhere. It's engendered a lot of discussion and reaction, some of it (to me at least) unexpected and surprising. So, here's the post:
i promise not to become an ftm
you have my word.
i will continue to be courageous and strong and deal every day with society's fear, hatred and abuse of masculine women.
i will continue to resist becoming more feminine or becoming a man in order to fit in, be accepted, or make things easier.
i will continue to have faith in and be encouraged by all the butch women that have come before me and will come after me, with all that they have felt and will feel in their loneliness, isolation, stanima, strength, joy and success.
i will continue to be aware of the fact that the masculine female is considered the lowest and most threatening on the patriarchal totem pole and is one of the most unwelcomed humans in society. as evidenced by our media, which portrays
feminine females, tomboys, femme lesbians, gay men, drag queens, and drag kings but not truly butch women.
i will continue to inspire myself and other butch women as we know and realize that we butches have very few images of ourselves reflected back to us encouraging us and supporting us, so we need each other.
i will continue to withstand the insinuations and pressure from some ftms and femmes around the dyke community that butches/transgender butches that remain in their natural bodies are not as hardcore or are in some way "less than" ftms who take prescription drugs and get surgery.
i will continue to honor my own and other butch's natural bodies and know that in them we can be what is considered "masculine", strong, etc. and that having a breasts-chest or a cunt doesn't make us less so.
i promise to continue to create and expand what a female/woman is and what a butch can be.
what do you kids think? i've NEVER read this before.