2 May Term classes left. I still need to write almost all of my paper, and we havent even started our last book. I have a feeling we won't be reading that one. Too bad. Today is my last day to try and sneak some free eats from the cafe because of freshman registration. Only one more sleepover with erw10284. We would have made great roomies. Anyway...
Big Brother is watching you
I've been getting some pretty sweet mail lately.
These pictures were from my 35mm. Some are really old.
Oh Wal-Mart, when will you learn how to develop pictures?
Luke about 3 years ago
These three were from my trip to Japan like 3 years ago. This toilet was like a computer or something, it was crazy. it had a heated seat and a bidet.
Most of the pictures didnt come out. This was in the Imperial Gardens.
This was my first picture with my new telephoto lens