FIC - “Did you think you could keep this secret?!” - JANSIS

Jul 29, 2012 18:39

Title: “Did you think you could keep this secret?!”
Author: wheelie47
Rating: NC-17
Characters: Van and Jake
Word count: 4,689
Summary: Jake tries to keep something hidden from Van…
Disclaimer: Don’t own characters, am not associated in any way with ATWT or Van and Jake. No offence intended.

Van felt himself being reluctantly pulled from the blissful cocoon of a deep sleep. Cranking open an eyelid, his sleep addled brain registered, from the distinct lack of light filtering through the blinds, that it was still the middle of the night.

Frowning, and failing miserably to stifle a jaw-splitting yawn, he tried to work out what had woken him. With a grunt of dissatisfaction, he realised that he could no longer feel the comforting warmth of his lover’s broad and muscled chest pressed up against his back.

Moving a hand from under his pillow, he reached around behind him and stretched his fingers out only to encounter the broad expanse of empty mattress instead of the expected and familiar hard lines and muscles. With a groan, he stretched out with his feet, feeling around the bottom of the bed and his frown deepened at the absence of the ball of warm fur that usually slept at the bottom of their bed.

Puzzled, and a little concerned now, he opened his other eye and lifted his head to stare at the clock on the bedside table.

“1:35 AM!” Van was startled as the red and taunting numbers seemed to stare right back at him in defiance. “What the fuck?!”

Grumbling and muttering under his breath, the blonde pulled back the covers and stumbled out of bed.

Pulling the chocolate brown throw from the bottom of the bed around his bare shoulders against the chill in the room, he padded barefoot across the wooden floorboards in search of his usual night-time companions…

Shuffling into their living room, Van came to a halt when he saw his boyfriend sat on the couch. The man’s face was a picture of concentration as he stared at the paper in his hand, the fingers of his free hand absentmindedly stroking the blonde locks of the head resting on his knee.

Even in his half awake state, Van couldn’t help but take a moment to gaze lovingly over his boyfriend’s handsome features; taking in the strong stubbled jaw, the proud nose, the prominent cheek-bones and the dark hair that was just long enough to begin to curl at the ends, making Van’s fingers itch to comb through it.

A part of him could still hardly believe that, after years of silently yearning and wanting, he got to call this man his lover… his partner… his best friend. It amazed him.

Shaking himself out of his reverie, he remembered exactly why he was standing there in the middle of the night.

“Jake?” Van’s sleep rough voice held an edge of annoyance that he’d had to come in search of his boyfriend. But it was also tinged with concern; Jake never normally had trouble sleeping anywhere… as long as they were together. Something must be troubling the other man.

Jake’s head shot up in surprise. Even Riley lifted his shaggy head at the sound of Van’s voice, his tail thumping on the couch at seeing his second favourite human in all the world. Perhaps Van wanted to play!

For a second Jake couldn’t respond. He was staring at the blonde’s sleep tousled hair, half-lidded eyes and bare torso over the top of the low-slung grey sleep-pants. The deep gravelly sound coming out of those luscious lips raised the heat in his groin by several degrees.

He was torn between launching up from the couch and kissing the man senseless for being so damn sexy or patting him on the head for looking so adorably cute; half-awake with the throw pulled around his shoulders.

“Jake?!” Van asked again and Jake swore his boyfriend was seconds away from stamping his foot and resting his hands on his hips in annoyance.

“Sorry. Did I wake you, Van?” Jake asked, his deep voice soothing.

“Uh-huh.” Van's face softened and he yawned widely as he padded to the couch. “Bed’s too big without you,” he mumbled as he dropped onto the couch, pulling his bare feet up and sliding sideways to rest his head in Jake’s inviting lap.

Jake quickly had to move what he’d been reading before it was crushed beneath the blonde’s head. Chuckling lightly, he dropped it on the couch behind Van before his hand automatically snaked around his lover’s torso, fingers tangling through the light dusting of chest chair. He sighed at the feel; he’d never imagined that he would have a thing for chest hair but there was something about Van’s that he couldn’t resist. It calmed him when he was nervous or worried and it excited him when he was horny!

He shrugged inwardly; maybe he just had a Van thing? Whatever it was, he’d never been more content or happy in his life than when he and Van had started down this path. Sure, he’d been as nervous as hell to begin with. After all he’d never been in a relationship with a guy before. But being with Van just felt so right!

Van’s chuckle pulled Jake out of his inward thoughts, making him look down to his lap. His own deep chuckle escaped his lips as he saw Riley’s pink tongue shoot out and lick Van’s ear.

The blonde’s hand reached around and tickled the pooch’s ear. “Cut it out, Riley!” Van laughed and he pushed the Golden Retriever’s head gently away.

Hearing the laughter in Van’s voice, Riley’s tail thumped loudly on the couch and he dived back in for another lick.

“Not now, Riley. It’s too late to play,” Van said more firmly this time and he pushed the dog’s head away again.

Van twisted his head in Jake’s lap and looked up at the brunette. “You ok?” he asked, as he reached up and ran the pad of his thumb over the stubbled jaw, fingers dancing lightly over his neck.

Jake looked down into the hazel eyes and sighed lightly, wondering if he should bite the bullet and tell his boyfriend the reason he was awake at this hour.

Riley glanced up between the two of them before letting out a huff and resting his head on his paws. He’d seen that look before; the humans only had eyes for each other right now and he knew he wouldn’t get a look in. The dog closed his eyes, deciding to go to sleep. Humans can be so boring sometimes! Maybe after his nap, he’d go find the cats to chase… they were much more fun!

Jake nodded. “I’m OK. Just couldn’t sleep, I guess.”

Van moved his head to get a better look at Jake, gazing deep into those intense blue eyes. He could always tell when something was bothering his lover just by his eyes.

“You sure?”

Jake swallowed and tried not to be distracted, not only by the probing look Van was giving him but also by the friction the blonde’s movements was creating in his groin. God! The things this guy could do to him!

“Yeah. I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to risk waking you, babe.”

“Mmmmh!” Jake could tell his lover wasn’t convinced.

“Are we OK?” Van bit his lip nervously. He was acutely aware that they hadn't been able to spend much time together recently, what with Jake being busy with projects out on the East Coast and Van gearing up to start filming here in LA. He was more than a little concerned that the strain was starting to tell, especially now, with Jake heading back to New York in the morning for rehearsals, the previews, and was staying there till 3C’s run had ended.

Jake's eyes widened in surprise; he had no idea Van had been thinking like that. He nodded and gave his boyfriend a slow burner of a smile before he leaned down and kissed the sensitive skin in front of Van's ear. Pausing to suck on the man's earlobe, he murmured, “what about earlier gave you the impression that we weren't okay?!”

He smirked at the reaction his words and his hot breath across Van's sensitive skin had on the other man; he could almost feel the shiver radiating through Van’s body. Jake felt his own body reacting automatically as he recalled, little more than a couple of hours before, being a hot, hard and sweaty writhing mass beneath Van as his lover ploughed repeatedly into him. Damn, but they were so good together!

Relief swept through Van and he smiled widely up at Jake, moving his thumb to glide sensuously over those oh so kissable lips.

That smile always took Jake’s breath away and it took all of his self control not to dive in and run his tongue over those gorgeous dimples.

Van chuckled in response to his boyfriend’s words. “OK then, so why are you out here instead of where you should be… back in bed with me?”

“I already told you. I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to disturb you. So I thought I’d come out here and run my lines.” Well, Jake wasn’t telling a complete lie. It was partly true. He had come out here to read through his lines. But not because he didn’t want to disturb Van. More like, he didn’t want his boyfriend to know that 3C called for Jake’s first full-frontal nude scene. Admittedly it was a short scene… but it was still him, nude, in front of a theatre full of people. He wasn’t entirely sure he was completely comfortable with it yet, let alone what Van would think if he knew.

His boyfriend could be kinda protective of him sometimes. Jake vividly remembered one time when he’d almost had to hold Van back from confronting a guy who’d been eye fucking Jake all night across a crowded bar. Yes, he knew this was different. But all the same, Jake figured it would be better if Van didn’t know… not yet at any rate. He didn’t need his boyfriend to go into total, full-on, freak-out mode!

“Well…” Van drawled as he traced a finger down over Jake’s chin and throat, interrupting the brunette’s train of thought, “…seeing as I’m awake now, why don’t I give you a hand? It always helps to have someone go through your lines with you.” He reached out and grasped the script that Jake had tossed on the couch.

Oh shit! “No… !” Jake paused and fought to keep the panic out of his voice. “No, it’s OK. I’m good. Besides, I don’t want to distract you from learning your own lines. You start filming in a couple of weeks, you know?”

‘Phew! Good save, Silbermann!’ Not only was he exceedingly proud and happy for Van; his career finally being kick-started again after stalling recently. But the fact that his boyfriend was due to start shooting scenes for his role in a new comedy, gave Jake just the excuse he needed to distract the other man from the 3C script.

Van continued to pull the script toward him. “Don’t be ridiculous, Jake! I think I can handle two things at the same time. I guess I’m just talented like that!” He dropped his voice seductively, arching his eyebrows as he twisted in Jake’s lap again… deliberately moving his head so the side of his face brushed against his lover’s cock through the thin material of his sleep-pants.

Jake struggled to control his breathing as Van’s hot breath ghosted over the trail of wiry dark hair leading below his belly-button, sending pinpricks of arousal radiating out all over his body. “Oh really? You don’t say?!” His distraction technique took on a whole different approach as a certain part of his anatomy began to think for itself.

He grasped Van’s hand and pried his fingers off the script, tossing it out of reach on the coffee table. “Why don’t you show me just how talented you are?” His voice came out in a lustful murmur as he reached for Van’s hand again and brought their combined fingers up to the smooth expanse of his muscled chest. “Touch me.”

“Mmmm! That sounds like much more fun!” Van agreed breathlessly, the script all but forgotten as he saw those gorgeous eyes deepen several shades in hungry lust.

His fingers roamed over the perfect skin in front of him, pausing to scratch through the tantalising dark trail, dip into the belly-button and flick and tweak alternate nipples to pert hardness. He smirked at the increasingly erratic breathing coming from above and from the feel of Jake’s cock springing to life beneath his head as the brunette began to rock his hips upward, desperate for increased friction.

“Ah… why… um…. why don’t we take this somewhere more comfortable?” Jake breathed out as he dipped down and covered that luscious mouth with his own, flicking his tongue between eagerly parting lips. The kiss deepened automatically with deep moans coming from both men as their tongues fought for dominance and roamed over the familiar territory of each other’s mouths.

Van broke the kiss when the need for air became too great. He pulled back, tugging on Jake’s lower lip before releasing it and letting it snap back into place. “Sounds like a plan,” he agreed huskily, scrambling to his feet and eagerly pulling the other man up by the hand.

Riley eased one eye open at the movement on the couch and watched as his two masters rushed from the room, hands roaming over each other’s available skin. Knowing, by now, that there was absolutely no point in following the two men when they were like this, he closed his eye again and went back to dreaming about catching frisbees in the park…

Jake pushed the shorter man into their bedroom, crashing their lips together as he relentlessly directed Van backward toward the foot of the bed.

When Van’s knees hit the mattress, he collapsed onto the bed with a loud expulsion of air and he looked up with lustful anticipation. “Get down here!”

Jake couldn’t resist pausing to take in Van spread out on the bed before him, the blonde’s chest flushed and his erection straining proudly against the material of his sleep-pants.


The brunette had to chuckle at his bossy boyfriend but obeyed all the same.

He climbed onto the bed, each knee resting either side of Van’s thighs. Leaning forward, he stretched out so his body covered the blonde’s. He nipped and licked a strip along Van’s jaw to his ear. “Gonna make you feel so good!” he whispered as he ground their clothed erections together.

Van groaned and arched upward off the bed to increase the friction.

Smirking, Jake pulled back and sat up on his heels to run his fingers through the inviting chest hair before him, expertly tweaking and rolling his lover’s nipples; making the man beneath him squirm.

“Please!” Van croaked out.

Liking to hear his boyfriend beg; revelling in the fact that it was him that made Van feel this way, Jake dove in and sucked a nipple into his mouth, alternating between sucking, licking and biting. The moans escaping his lover’s lips made him rock hard.

Scooting down the bed, he licked a hot moist trail down over the blonde’s torso, circling his belly-button and wetting the trail above the waistband of his sleep-pants. Jake could feel Van’s arousal pressing up against his chin, demanding attention.

No longer able to resist the need to have the familiar taste and feel of his lover in his mouth, he eagerly dipped his fingers into the elastic waistband, pulling it down to free the proud length of Van’s cock.

The breathless gasp from above him made Jake glance up the length of Van’s torso to see the blonde staring back down at him, watching his every move with lust blown pupils.

“Jake!” Van's voice was barely above a desperate whisper. “Baby, please!”

Those pleading words from his lover’s lips were more than Jake could bare; it always got to him whenever Van called him ‘baby’.

With an almost audible sigh, Jake sunk his mouth over the head of Van’s cock to taste his favourite flavour. How much he loved that taste was another thing that had taken him by surprise about his and Van’s relationship.

The increasingly erratic and guttural grunts and moans coming from above him as he worked his mouth and lips up and down Van’s girth went straight to his already rock hard length. Snaking his hand down his own torso, Jake pulled out his cock and he wriggled his hips so the annoying material of his sleep-pants slipped down over his slim waist.

He moaned around the blonde's cock as he felt Van’s fingers fisting in his hair, urging him on and trying to pull him further down his length.

“Van, so close!” Jake gasped as he pulled back and locked eyes with his lover. “Come for me. Come for me, baby!” he commanded, fisting his cock faster, twisting and pulling himself toward his climax as he dove back in and licked a strip along the prominent vein on the underside of Van’s cock.

“Jake… I'm gonna…” the blonde moaned, bucking his hips erratically as Jake sucked on the sensitive head of his cock and rolled his balls with his free hand. Before he could finish his sentence, Van’s hips jerked and he shuddered his release deep into Jake's eager mouth.

Jake continued to suck his boyfriend dry as he increased the friction and speed of his fist on his own length, grunting around Van’s softening cock as he shot his own climax over his fist and stomach.

After cleaning Van with his tongue, Jake used the wad of tissues the other man handed him to take care of himself before tucking them both back into their sleep-pants.

“Hey there!” Jake smiled lazily as he crawled up the blonde’s body before capturing Van’s lips, slipping his tongue in so he could taste himself in Jake’s mouth.

“Hey there yourself.” Van flashed the brunette a sated grin, his face flushed and sweaty.

Jake slid off Van and flicked off the bedside lamp before turning his lover onto his side, settling in behind him. His hand sought out Van’s and brought their combined fingers to rest of the blonde’s chest.

He pressed a kiss to the sweat-damped shoulder and murmured into the hot skin. “I love you, Van. Sorry I woke you. Go back to sleep now.”

“I love you too.” Van’s voice was deep and slurred as he felt the pull of a contented sleep. “And don’t worry… it was kinda worth it!” he chuckled lightly before closing his eyes and snuggling back further into Jake’s warm embrace…

The next time Van opened his eyes, the bright LA morning sunshine was streaming through the blinds. This time Van knew he needn't bother going in search of Jake; he instinctively knew that the other man wasn’t home and had already left for New York.

Sitting up with a sigh, he noticed that Riley was in his usual sleeping place at the bottom of the bed; another sure sign that Jake wasn’t anywhere else in the apartment.

As he rested back against the headboard, the golden retriever woke at the movement on the bed and crept up the mattress to rest his head on Van’s thigh.

“I know… I know. I miss him already too,” he murmured sadly as he soothingly scratched behind Riley's ear.

“Come on, let's go find something for breakfast.” Van tried to sound positive as he slid out of bed and headed for the door, smiling as he heard the thump and patter of paws when the pooch jumped off the bed to follow him…

Van entered the kitchen, pausing to sniff the aroma. Mmmm! Fresh coffee. And was that cinnamon croissants he could smell?! His favourite!

Smiling, he picked up Jake's note that was propped up against a bag bearing the logo of their favourite local bakery:

Morning baby!

Sorry I didn't wake you, you just looked so adorable. I didn't want to disturb you. And you know how much I hate goodbyes.

Oh, BTW, I fed the ‘family’!

Love you!

Jake xx
Van chuckled, and smiled widely at Jake's heart warming thoughtfulness, as he poured himself a cup and grabbed the bag before heading to the living room.

Settling on the couch, he sipped his coffee, subconsciously mimicking Jake's position on the couch last night as he absentmindedly stroked Riley's head when the dog climbed up next to him.

As the blonde stretched his feet out onto the coffee table, he accidentally knocked something to the floor.

“Dumb ass!” he chuckled to himself as he reached to retrieve Jake's forgotten script.

From what Jake had told him about the play, it sounded intense and dramatic; with moments of dark humour and parody and Van was gutted that he wasn't going to be able to see it.

But at least he had the next best thing here: the script. A script that he hadn't had the opportunity to read yet.

Settling back against the couch, he flipped open the script and read the opening scene.

“Jesus fucking Christ!” Van exclaimed, scaring Riley and the cats, where they had settled on the back of the couch, as he flipped the pages to find Jake’s first scene. He was in danger of spilling his coffee in shock as he did a double-take of Jake’s first scene. Naked?! The play called for his boyfriend to be NAKED, without a single stitch of clothing on! A FULL-FRONTAL, no less, in his first scene!

Jake had kept this secret from him?! Why?! And did his boyfriend think he wouldn’t find out?!

“Oh, Jake,” Van shook his head as it dawned on him why Jake hadn’t told him; his lover was trying to protect him… thinking he'd go into full freak out mode if he found out. “You and your chivalry!” he chuckled to himself.

Van reached for his cell, pulling up both of their schedules. Damn, he really wanted to see the play now! He knew that he wouldn't be able to make the opening night but maybe… just maybe, with a tweak here and there, he could make the previews…


Jake was lost in thought as he washed up in the small bathroom of his dressing room. He was in the zone, concentrating on nothing but the play. The rehearsals had gone well and he was really proud of where the play was at right now.

Now he just had to psych himself up for the preview. Within minutes, he was going out there, in front of a live audience, and baring all.

Pushing the thought from his mind, trying to concentrate solely on his performance, he turned and opened the bathroom door.

He stumbled to a halt. “Van! How did you…? What are you…?” he stuttered when he saw his boyfriend sitting in his seat in front of the mirror. He pulled his white towelling bathrobe tighter around him… almost as if he sensed that Van knew he was naked underneath the thick material.

Van swivelled in the seat and faced the taller man. “What am I doing here?” he supplied helpfully.

Jake just nodded, his mouth open in shock when he saw his forgotten script in Van’s hand. Damn! He was pretty sure the game was up and Van knew everything now.

“Did you think you could keep this secret?” Van demanded as he waved the script in front of the brunette.

Shit! This wasn’t good. Van looked pissed.

“I was trying to…”

Van wanted to keep up the pretence of being mad but Jake’s scolded puppy look was killing him. “I know what you were trying to do, Jake.” His voice softened and he smiled. “But really… you needn’t have. I wouldn’t have freaked out. Keeping secrets freaks me out more. We shouldn’t have secrets from each other.”

“I know… and I’m sorry. It’s just that I know how you feel about this kinda thing.” He gestured to the bathrobe currently protecting his modesty. “It’s kind of a new thing for me too. I wasn’t raised to go out in public like this, you know!”

Van shook his head, remembering a once answered question. “It’s sex scenes, I said that I was okay with not being shown, Jake. Not nakedness… especially not your nakedness. I’m completely OK with that!” He looked up at Jake’s unchanged expression. “They haven’t added any sex scenes, have they?!” he asked, biting his bottom lip nervously, reaching for Jake’s newer version of the script lying open on the dressing table.

A shocked but totally relieved Jake chuckled and he wanted to get his own back on Van for teasing him. But time was short and he needed to stay focused. So he just shook his head.

“Good.” Van nodded, stood and reached for the belt of Jake’s bathrobe.

“What are you doing?!” Jake grasped his hands.

“Just checking if you’re really naked under there!” Van smirked mischievously.

“Uh-uh. Oh no, you don’t.” He took a step back. “You know what your touch does to me and that definitely wouldn’t help right now.”


“No way, Hansis!” Jake replied firmly as he gently pushed Van toward the door. “Out!”

He bundled his boyfriend out the door, closed it behind him and took a deep calming breath…

Jake was drained, physically and mentally, but in a good way. In his opinion, the play had hit exactly the vein they were looking for. Now he wanted to go to his dressing-room, relax and find Van. He wanted to find out the opinion of the man that mattered most to him in the world. And he kinda felt bad for throwing him out of his room earlier.

The second he opened the door, strong hands grabbed him and pulled him through the opening.

Before he knew what was happening, Jake found himself pressed up against the door with Van’s mouth latching on to his lips, chin and throat as he felt arms reach behind him and heard the door being locked.

“You. Were. Amazing.” Van breathed out in-between kisses. “Outstanding.” He’d watched the whole play from the wings and he thought his boyfriend had shone.

“Really?” Jake was aware Van was kinda biased but he was pleased all the same.

Van pulled back and it touched his heart to see doubt in Jake’s eyes. “Absolutely. One of the best things I’ve seen you in. Aside from the show, of course!” he grinned and pressed his lips to Jake’s in a reassuring kiss; he’d always be grateful to ATWT for bringing him Jake.

Jake struggled to focus as he felt Van’s hot mouth work its way along his jaw toward his ear. “And… er… my… first scene? You're really okay with that?”

“Uh-huh,” Van murmured against Jake's skin as he pushed the ends of Jake's wig aside so he could suck an earlobe into his mouth.

“Others can look, but only I get to touch,” he breathed out as his hand snaked down the taller man's torso, dipped under the jeans' waistband and squeezed Jake's soft cock through the material of his boxer briefs, smirking at the twitch he felt against his palm… knowing the effect his touch had on Jake.

“I think you should keep this on,” Van whispered into Jake's ear as he tugged gently on the wig.

Jake was just about losing the power of all cognitive thought as the feel of the blonde’s lips on his skin and his hand working his length blew his mind. “Huh? Keep it on for what?”

Van let his actions speak louder than words as he dropped to his knees and his talented fingers made short work of Jake's jeans and underwear, all the while locking eyes with the intense blue.

When those luscious lips sank over his length, Jake's fingers found their way to the shortened blonde locks. His head crashed back against the door as he closed his eyes and moaned, giving thanks that Van was the one who got to touch him like this.

The End.

alternative universe, jake, atwt, fanfiction, van, jansis

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