Like, I know that you all know.
I like to kid around.
BUTT sometimes I just can't keep up the ILLusion. I get down and sometimes only hearing Up Up and AWAY by the 5th Demension is the only thing that will brighten my day, you know?
I guess I'm getting sicker and having to spend more time in the chair.
And I have CUM to the REALization that pretty soon I'm going to need some help. Like a maid (preferably octoroon, not full black cuz then i'd jus wanna be hittin ass all the timez) or a manservant.
PROBLEM is that I can't afford a human (don't we all needz 2 be touched) hand to help me. Human CARE is COSTLY.
AND my written word is only beginning to start to pay off.
wheelchair, am embarking on a ROADTRIP!
2 meet my new