Keeping track of points for double or nothing

Mar 13, 2010 16:00

annaalamode 5 points
midnight_malaga 10 points
aaronlisa 5 points
bohemean 5 points
giantlovetingle 20 points
faeriesfolly 80 points
theashgirl 5 points
iladora 5 points
step0202 5 points
derevko_child 20 points
killmotion 5 points
foreverxkisses 5 points
piratescribe 5 points
vordogh 40 points
queenfaithie 5 points
darlingbones 40 points
o0myyl0v30o 80 points
colls 10 points
trialbymagic 5 points
zevabe 5 points
library_of_sex 80 points
harbek 80 points
babydykecate 80 points
vaarna 80 points
amorfati1013 80 points
nonbeliever93 5 points
crystalkei 20 points
bossladydewitt 40 points
musical_junkie 5 points
smercy 80 points
crazykidben 20 points

outoftime 40 points
goloptious 80 points
viennabynight 5 points
jynnantonnyx28 10 points
iambadwolf 40 points
damageddawn 40 points
darlaslilgirl 80 points
azuremonkey 10 points
setentpet 40 points
jaded56 80 points
amathela 10 points
sparkz0r 10 points
luna_potterhead 5 points
evangelin1202 80 points
chianagirl 5 points
isis2015 5 points
lunaspec_gimmy 5 points
hermionesparkle 10 points
thiscanbegin 40 points
shinebunny 5 points
squint13 80 points
evalens 10 points
mierke 40 points
no_pity_chords 40 points
geckoholic 10 points
theotherayn 20 points
ctofine 40 points
jehnt 20 points
softly_me 5 points
kitty0_o 10 points
oligomer 20 points
endinginablaze 10 points
imaginary_lives 10 points
ashley7x 10 points
doom_cheesepuff 20 points
inscrupulaties 10 points

alorarose 80 points
hkath 20 points
afteriwake 5 points
iulieki 20 points
inanna1130 80 points
goonie_freak 80 points
mfirefly10 20 points
jackwabbit 5 points
shinydinosaur 40 points
ophelia_winters 80 points
fancifull 40 points
ppyajunebug 5 points
platysseus 5 points
cynicalshadows 80 points
meridian_rose 10 points
partitioning 10 points
scifi_tv_addict 80 points
wolf_of_shadow 5 points
stargazer784 40 points
angel_in_tears 80 points
Milena_d 80 points
lady_zel 10 points
atomic89 10 points
thekatcameback 10 points
alsunwunderland 10 points
teensy80 40 points
mellafe 10 points

blueknight1st 80 points
snickerdoodles 80 points
willow_lives 80 points
digitaldesigner 80 points
yhlee 5 points
entwashian 10 points
carpenyx 10 points
i_will_dare89 80 points
cafedemonde 40 points
zarajade123 80 points
lyndisty 40 points
six_two_four 20 points
hopelessfangirl 80 points
racheltng 80 points
haces222 40 points
circury 10 points
roonerspism 80 points
streussal 5 points
tablesaw 80 points
velociraptor52 80 points
mangofandango 20 points
rubberbisquit 10 points
sinful_teddy 20 points
yoursecretsoul 20 points

Played members, but the randomiser foiled their plans :

realproof, xmaidelx, afrocurl, just_drifting_6, thesirenslure, myloveshine, crumplysnorkack, anothercave, caaare, lar_laughs, sourpony, vividahlin, quickcrimson, hobbitofkobol, jagwriter78, auriellis, iterbit, groovesinorbit, twolefts, ozfroggirl, kasiopeia, lias9, prlrocks, emmz13, green_queen, blaze2242, bisclaveret, xeyra, loveflyfree, zoesmith, razycrandomgirl, _stolendreams_, musicalpanties, shlnbard, likealight, vividahlin, carrismo226, duh_i_read, bluecoffeemug, fragmentedsky, thelake, sunney, lissapocalypse, sparksflyout, wordsthatfail, sunney
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