Welcome to the inaugural update post at
Please help make this comm a success by posting links to your fandom contributions in
whedonverse_nb, and tell your friends to do the same! *g*
Thank you!
Standalone Fics
darkhavens -
First Impressions, Spike/Xander, PG
darkhavens -
Out of Alternatives, Spike/Xander, R for gore
spikedluv -
VampNip, Spike/Xander, NC-17/Adult
ladycat777 -
Underneath This Shroud, Xander/Buffy, PG
entrenous88 -
The People You Meet, Xander, Cordy, G
callmesandy -
2 Wes/Gunn ficlets, adult, post-NFA
callmesandy -
1 Buffy, 2 Buffy/Connor ficlets, adult, post-NFA
mireille719 -
Older, Not Wiser, Ethan Rayne, gen, PG
WiP Updates
herself_nyc -
Untitled Spike/Buffy/Angel Fic (up to pt 19/?), NC-17
entrenous88 -
Geekcrush, Andrew/Xander, G
Website Updates
kita0610 has done a major update at
Slashing the Angel - new fic, new authors, new resource links, etc.
chrisleeoctaves has updated three of the sites she maintains - **
Sublime - a hand-picked B/A archive (some B/A/S, too)
Five Things - the archive with five things stories
Octaves - her own personal site
zandra_x has made a bumper post of
all the Buffy and Angel and Firefly icons she's made up until now.
Fandom Newsletter Updates
the_cortex -
Aug 31st /
Sept 1st ^^
giles_watchers -
Aug 30th /
Aug 31st /
Sept 1stbc_updates -
Aug 31st /
Sept 1stwatching_xander -
Aug 31stwatching_daily -
- Aug 31stficathon_codex has been updated with all ficathons from the month of August, broken down by name, genre, character, and pairing, as well as listing past ficathon masterlists and ficathons currently accepting authors.
forbiddenawards announces Round 2 winners.
btvs_award_info -
Fang Fetish Awards nominations period closing on Sept 3rd.
Shadows and Dust Fanfiction Awards Round 14 open for nominations. Round Thirteen results posted.
spook_me is hosting the
Spook Me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon, signups open through to Sept 12th.
There are two requests for information over at
btvs_ats_q_a -
What Xander was listening to when Spike was in his basement during Hush.
Information desired on any reference on either BtVS or AtS about Buffy and Angel meeting during season 6 Buffy or season 3 Angel.
sharvie recs two Buffyverse vidsbubble_blunder lets us know that
Emma Caulfield has a movie premiering on Lifetime tomorrow night.
morgandawn -
Top 3 Slash Fandoms Poll - What Are You Actively Into Today?
thefourthvine -
Poll: Choose Your Fandoms - By active, I mean doing whatever it is you do in fandom. That's more than just loving the source - writing about it, reading obsessively about it, writing or reading fan fiction for it, making or watching vids, making or hunting for art, organizing stuff, dragging other people into it, etc. Just - you need to be doing these things currently. No matter how much you love the fandom, if you haven't had anything much to do with it in the past, say, three to four months, it doesn't count.
There's lots of breaking news over at
Whedonesque, including a new website for Nick Brendon and Charisma Carpenter's movie 'Relative Chaos', and a mention of David Boreanaz in S2 of Bones.
Listen to Nick's audio blog here! NB:
whedon_updates is still looking for collaters for Tuesday and Thursday. If you're interested, please comment