- Pity Us We Wakeful, (Chapter Forty-Seven), Willow/Spike/Angel, FRAO/NC-17
coalitiongirl -
The Rose, Chapter 19, Spike/Buffy, NC-17**
lusciousxander has recced
Things We Never Talk About by
nwhepcat and she has include links to some chapters not listed in the
nwhepcat's memories,
here, Xander/Larry, R.
Fandom Newsletter Updates
giles_watchers -
June 7thfirefly_signal -
June 3rd,
June 5th,
June 5th,
June 7th,
June 7thcrossover_news -
Volume 005, Issue 154,
Volume 005, Issue 158bc_updates -
June 3rd - 6th Communities
buffyquestions has a
a poll and asks
Whose character arc was least believable and why? It's "Free for All" week at
fantas_magoria this week. Prompts are
here. Any prompts, any flash challenges, any other fic, meta, art, video, picspam, review... so long as it relates to season 3 episodes 1-19
xlivvielockex has set the comm
365daysofca in which she will attempt to read and review 1890 pieces of Cordelia/Angel(us) fanfic.
This week's challenge caps at
biteable_icons are from
BtVS, "Becoming, Pt 1" and AtS, "The Ring". Come make icons!