Joss is God

Aug 07, 2007 14:44

1. Name: Molly
2. Age: 18
3. Gender: Female
4. Cross-Gender or Same-Sex Stamp: Either way. :)

5. Likes: Books, mostly. Ender's Game, currently. And I know this is awful, but I love school. Especially studying languages and roots and history. There is just something about the ancients that draws my curiosity. I also love lemonade, kraft mac n' cheese, shopping at Wallmart at 3:30 am, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt, driving my car, and watching black and white movies.

6. Dislikes: Vegetables. Can't stand most of them, though I give a pass to green beans. I don't like to gossip, or people that rely on gossip as a means to make friends or gain popularity. Awkward small talk makes me cringe, both inwardly and outwardly.

7. Strong Points: I am organized, I am sometimes confident but modest when I need to be. I think I adapt well to situations that are outside of my control, and I keep my faith in times of trouble.

8. Weak Points: Depression. Slacker by nature. Hey, I can love school and still find it hard to get my work done. I procrastinate, I am sometimes forgetful and more inwardly centered than outwardly focused. (Self-preservation over the Greater Good, no?)

9. Hobbies: Volleyball and softball take up an alarming chunk of my "free" time. I play both year round, both for college. I also sit at my computer a lot, and can also be found watching one of my gajillions of TV shows during the night. Oh, and getting tattoos. I think that counts as a hobby.

10. Dreams: I want to work for the CIA. Literally, I want to be a languages expert or researcher or something where I can immerse myself in musty old tomes of forgotten documents and just be at peace.

11. Describe yourself in 3 words: Curious. Intelligent. Loyal.

12. Color: Green, no doubt.

13. Food: French Fries. Fast food will be the death of me, I am sure, though I cannot give up my love for greasy fries.

14. Animal: Cliche as it is, I have an admiration and love for wolves. They are just gorgeous and wonderful. I am afraid of most other "typical" animal favorites - dogs, horses - I just can't be around those, so I choose an animal that I have a relatively low probability of ever encountering.

15. Season (summer, spring, fall, winter): Fall. I live in a part of the world that doesn't exactly have distinct seasons, but fall is definitely the time of year that is the most enjoyable, climate wise.

16. Fruit: Hmm, apples. Classic.

17. Flavor: Vanilla! Classic again, and definitely not boring because with vanilla you can customize and add things, like fruit and syrups. Vanilla is the perfect base.

18. Smell: Fresh laundry!

~Are you more...~
19. Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic to the core. It's difficult to be otherwise when you're struggling with depression, though like everyone, I have good days and bad days.

20. Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Calm.

21. Implusive or Think things through: I am definitely a thinker. I act with my head, not my heart.

22. Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Making new friends has always been one of the more challenging hurdles in my life.

Do you want to be stamped as an Buffy, Angel, or Firefly character or does it matter? Buffy or Angel, please. I have yet to begin watching Firefly.

Lastly, please post at least TWO or more clear pictures of yourself:


I'm the fake redhead.

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