Since Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D premiered last week I thought we could have a challenge dedicated to the Pilot. So for this challenge you are to make icons from the pilot episode. Questions? Feel free to ask. =)
Here are a couple of screencap galleries if you don't have caps. Also, if you have a different gallery you would like to share you can post a comment here.
ScreencappedGrande Caps rules.
★ You may submit up to 4 icons
★ You can use any pictures you want
★ All effects are allowed
★ Your icons must fit LJ standarts: no larger than 40kB, 100x100px
★ Icons must be made especially for this challenge and by yourself
★ Submit entries in a new separate post
★ Provide img src and urls on your entry
★ Tag you entries with your usename
★ Icons are due Sunday, October 3rd by 3 pm EST
★ Any question? just ask! :)