As you can see in the profile, we've added some banner makers to the team here. You're always welcome to add yourself to that group and the mods will use that list to see who all is available to make banners each round.
I'd like to welcome some new faces to the mod team here at
sucksucksmile The rest of us are all still here, but have just been running into a little more real life than expected. It happens.
I finally have a new computer (yay!), but the touch pad is crazy-making. So
sucksucksmile is going to be helping me by posting voting. (And in return, once I buy myself a proper mouse, I will post voting for her next round.)
sucksucksmile will be posting sign-ups for the next round sometime after she gets voting posted. Around the 5th most likely.
The new round will run from the 10th to the 30th.
♥ I can't wait to see all the awesome icons from this round all lined up together. I also can't wait to see what these new mods might have up their sleeves for us in the way of themes and categories. :D