OOC-Value Survey

Apr 09, 2009 12:53

What's the worst thing someone could do?
Hurt someone who cannot defend themself.
What's the worst thing someone could do to you?
Hurt my daughter.
What's the worst thing that could happen to you?
Lose all connection with my home and growing thing.
What's the worst thing someone could say about a person?
They don't know how to love.
What's the best thing someone could say about a person?
They help others grow.

Are men and women basically different?
Oh yes.
Which is better, to be a woman or to be a man?
There is no good answer to that for some of us are simply meant to be men or women.
What can men do that women can't do?
Men are tillers and builders and sadly destroyers.
What can women do that men can't do?
We are the growers and nurturers.
Is it possible to change genders?
Yes, so many things can be changed if you simply know how.

How old is old enough to have sex?
When your body is mature.
Is it wrong to have sex if you're unmarried?
Oh dear no.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone other than your spouse if you're married?
Hera would say yes and I would say that it depends on the quality of your marriage.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of the same gender?
Of course not.
Is it wrong to have sex with a person of a different race (or a different intelligent non-human species)?
Dear me no.
Is it wrong to have more than one sexual partner at the same time?
Oh no, sex is about savoring life and you shouldn't restrict yourself for any reason.
Is it wrong to have sex with someone you don't love?
No, but its worrisome if you don't like them at all.

What are the responsibilities of a mother toward a child?
To protect them and keep them safe from the world.
What are the responsibilities of a father toward a child?
To protect them and honor them.
What are the responsibilities of a child toward a parent?
Hopefully to love them and someday care for them.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your child?
Your child.
Which should be more important to you, your parent or your spouse?
Your parent.
Which should be more important to you, your child or your spouse?
Your child.
Is it wrong to have a child if you're unmarried?
Oh no as long as you are able to love them and keep them safe.
Is abortion wrong?
I do not approve of it since I hold life so dear but I can understand how there are times when it is needed.
Is contraception wrong?
Not at all.

Is there one true religion?
*laughter* No.
Does a deity or deities exist?
I should hope so.
How important is it to believe in a deity or deities?
I would hope that it is important for others to believe in me but I'm not sure.
How important is it to actively practice your religion?
I've found that mortals define practicing religion in many ways, if those who worship me simply live and love and cherish their land, I will be happy.
Does magic exist?
Is practicing magic wrong?
No, but it can be dangerous.

Is killing always wrong?
Is war always wrong?
No though I do not approve of it.
How old is old enough to fight in a war?
I would say that if you can defend your home, you should though I think far too many children are sent off to war.
Is rape always wrong?
Is torture always wrong?
Is theft always wrong?
No, not at all.
Is slavery wrong?
Is lying wrong?
The truth is really not some sacred thing so no.
Is swearing wrong?
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