Mar 25, 2008 23:20
Everything stopped when I was in San Francisco. I love being away. Distance is like transcendence for me.
But I do like being back. I've had so many other things besides homework to do lately, silly things, extra duties, helping out randomly, sitting on the couch in Cushing-Martin enjoying lunch, making art for the gallery, the Zizek reading group, conference plannings, TA things, contemplating graduate school possibilities and plans... I sort of miss being a simple student sometimes. I don't really have a typical class this semester as far as my old course listings go, except for my Biblical Hebrew directed study. I draw portraits, take part in one class of a learning community, have a thesis to write... But I've been gone for so many classes for so many things (and the NCUR in two weeks!), that it'll take me quite a bit to catch up and I'll have to do that slowly so I don't spiral.
And no matter what, busy will my life be. And I like those prospects. I think I can grow in them.
I wasn't struck like a match unexpectedly for To The Lighthouse today. I want to be a romantic again. I feel like I can't escape that part of me and that it is simultaneously stifled by these busynesses.