Nov 09, 2004 20:21
heyyy bitch`sz l0l. Supp ?? nuffin hur just chillen.. Well let`sz see t0day at schoOl wuz goOd.. didn`t dO tO much w0rk. heh.. ii wrote justin a note today ^__^ ii just wrote that ii still really do lyk him and that my feelinq`sz for him never went away.. ii needed to tell him that.. yeh l0l.. well after sk00l ii went home for a lil' then jessie *haha* called nd told me to come over cuz chris was at her house cryin nd she didnt wana be alone with him heh so i came there for lyk 5 mins. then my dad called bitchin at me sayin that "jessica is a bad inflOence, ii dO n0t want u tO hang out with her" erg so i hung up with him nd jessica droped my mo fo' journal so i hit her with my social studies book which is big nd heavy l0l nd she wuz scurreddd haah... then i left jessica`sz tO gO tO shannon`sz we just played fable and went online and ii saw video`sz of that john saget kid or w/e hehe sexyness ^__~ hehe.. but omq this hiler0us part came on where this fat kid was walking then fell. ahhahahahhaha.. *ii quess u hadda be there* l0l well yeh so that was my day heheh it was goOd holler....
ii just noticed that the kid i "liked" is fat.. ahha