Oct 11, 2004 23:22
1. dont talk back to an adult
2.dont egg a house with someone there
3. never hold a firecracker in your hand and light it
4. dont the firecrackers at cars they get mad
5.dont try to do a project in 1 night
6. dont bite ur eraser off ur pencill and throw it across the room
7.dotn go up to a black person if ur white and say wdup nigga
8. dont jump off ur roof with a pogo stick
9.dont put bottle rockets in your hand and light them they explode
10. dont put snow board bindings on a skateboared and get a rope and tie it to a dirt bike and get pulled behind it and go over a ramp
11.dont go to school high 1st period will suck
12.spray axe on yourself and light it is hot
13.dont get a dirt bike and a rope and skates and get pulled through grass
14.dont light a paint bucket on fire paint is flamable
15.dont shoot your feet with a paintball gun
16.dont sleep in class teachers get mad.