(no subject)

Oct 12, 2005 18:13


it seeems like i always go from relationship to relashionship.
there is soo many.
and they never work out.
i dont even know what to say
but i hope this messages gets to someone so they know what they need to do differently next time.

-making plans and breaking them ..it happenes get over it..it is not the end of the world

-just because i want something and you dont doesnt give you the right to bitch me out

-dont ever talk about someones religion..because you dont know anything about there relationsjpi with god.

-dont tell her things you want..and you dont get them and get depressed.

-be more of a friend not so much "i love you" but i love evryting about you. because you dont know what love it and neaither do i

-kiss her at the right time.

now dont get me wrong this isnt about one person.
i feel like i should get it out.
this is MY livejornal right.
who ever reads it basica;lly is reading my mind,
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