Apr 27, 2007 16:52
I nearly orgasmed after hearing clips and reading transcripts of the debate from last night!
Here's a summary of my thoughts on this debate:
1. I do NOT respect Obama. I lost his respect when he supported Al Sharpton against Don Imus. Apparently Barack Obama does not support our First Amendment Rights, and thinks a good move as a Presidential Candidate is to piss on the Constitution. Then he appeared at some fundraiser with Al Sharpton. Ugh. Don't feel obligated because you're black to pal around with Al Sharpton. The guy is a fake and a phony and a scoundrel. Stay away from him if you want people to take you seriously. You, sir, do not deserve to be President. Bye.
2. Hillary is NOT truthful. She sealed her fate when she voted in favor of invading Iraq in 2002. Instead of having balls, she voted what she thought would be popular with the voters, and now 4 years later and 70% of the people opposed to the War in Iraq, she looks foolish. Now she's trying to say that if she knew then what she knows now, she would not have voted for it. Uh, yeah, because WHAT YOU KNOW NOW is that 70% of the people are opposed to it. WE ALL KNEW THEN THAT IRAQ HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH 9/11 AND THAT SADDAM DID NOT HAVE WEAPONS. I knew that, how could Hillary not know it? She was trying to look strong, and instead she looks like an ass. Way to go. And she does not know how to answer a question, she always circumvents. Screw you! Her only redeeming quality is that she is married to the Greatest American President that Ever Lived. That's not enough to get you in the Oval Office, sorry.
3. Joe Biden is probably the most electable guy of them all. He is handsome and charming, and championed some pretty good legislation over the years. He speaks off the cuff, and some people would say he makes a lot of gaffes, but if we could elect George W. Bush who has the speaking skills of a primate with no tongue, why can't we elect Joe Biden? The biggest knock against him is that he's an East Coast-er, and we learned from John Kerry that it's very hard to win if you're from the East Coast because the Southerners don't feel a connection.
4. Dennis Kucinich is quite bold and has some great ideas, but he can not win a general election because he looks like a toad. I've been hearing a bunch of Democrats saying that we should look past his looks because he'd make a great President, but if we do that, then we will lose the General Election. I love what Kucinich has to say about universal health care, and I love his anti-war stance, and he voted no to Iraq from the beginning, but the guy looks like an extra from Lord of the Rings. I think he'd make an ideal VP, though.
5. Mike Gravel of Alaska is nuts, but I love that he led a two-man, five-day fillibuster back in the Vietnam days that really played a big part in ending the war. That's dedication. But he's too nuts to be President. He was funny and will be an interesting player who will probably get Dean-like grassroots support.
6. John Edwards...eh. He was beaten in the debates against Dick Cheney, when it should have been a cake-walk because Cheney was just wrong on a lot of things. I don't see him as a strong candidate.
7. Was Christopher Dodd even there?
8. My FAVORITE candidate so far is Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico! Yes, I know, who would have thought? But Richardson served the God Administration--oops, I mean CLINTON administration--in a variety of capacities including Secretary of Energy, I believe. He's a conservationist who also also believes in our 2nd Amendment, the Right to Bear Arms. He's a Deomcrat who is currently being endorsed by the National Rifle Association for his stance on gun laws. He believes in the right to bear arms, but suppoprts background checks, and believes that checks should be made to deem if someone is mentally stable enough to own a gun. The problem is that he is part Hispanic, and looks it. I'm not sure if that will fly in the Bible Belt, but he is very conservative in a lot of ways, so who knows? He also said that if he wins, we will be out of Iraq within a year, no exceptions. Fucking awesome.
I'm still holding out that AL GORE will run. He's brilliant. He should have been President the past 7 years, but allowed the job to be stolen because he was too much of a gentleman. I really hope he runs.
If not, I hope John Kerry runs again. He allowed himself to get beaten up, but was clearly the right man for the job in 2004. He also voted in favor of going into Iraq in 2002, but unlike HILLARY, he realized he made a mistake and then started voted against the funding for the war and has been pushing for troop withdrawal. He is brilliant.
As far as Republicans go, my favorite is John McCain. Rudy Giuliano is a scumbag. Just an awful opportunist human being. I don't see him getting the nomination unless Republicans are stupid. Oh, wait--
*EDIT*-- After seeing Joe Biden on MEET THE PRESS this weekend, I think he's my favorite. He has such great ideas about repealing tax cuts and putting that money to good use. His plan for raising money without raising taxes? "End the war." It's costing 100 Billion dollars a year. Fucking brilliant. His plan for ending the war? Divid Iraq into 3 separate countries. This is something I said a LONG time ago. he said that Henry Kissinger agrees with his plan, so you know that it's a legit thing to do, even though most conservatives DON'T want to divide Iraq? Because we can control 1 country, but not three. If we keep Iraq together, we can exploit their oil. If we dvide Iraq, then it's more difficult for us to exploit them for their oil. That's why he wants to invest billions of dollars into making us more self-sufficient energy-wise. Such EASY solutions to so many problems when you aren't trying to make billions of dollars for your friends, which is how Bush got us in this mess to begin with.
Also, I hate Rudy Giuliani even more. The guy is so dumb, I am disgusted that he's a fellow Italian-American. he said last week that if a Democrat is elected, we will have another 9/11. What a fucking retard. I really can't stand him.