Taking a break from reading by reading some more!

Mar 08, 2006 18:59

So basically I went into the book store today to buy my books for next quarter and they only had one of the three that I need. I went ahead and grabbed the copy of Introduction to Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, which sounds very exciting, and then walked around the fiction/sci fi/books you should read if you haven't sections and ended up grabbing three more books for my casual reading pleasures. I grabbed a book called Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk. I must say that I am very excited to read this because I could barely put down the other two books of his that I have read. Naked Lunch was the second book that I bought, partly because I have heard good things, the cover kind of pulled me in (as lame as that sounds), and the synopsis sounds pretty good. The last book I grabbed was Brave New World. I've been talking a lot about books lately with my dad and he has really been pushing me to read some of the classics that he read back when he was a kid, that for whatever reason I didn't have to read in high school. The list that I have already read that he has suggested include: Fahrenheit 451, 1981, and Animal Farm. All were amazing books and normally my Dad's taste in anything parallels my tastes pretty well, so I said what the hell, I'll read that one too. So I think the majority of my spring break is going to consist of reading for most of the day. Maybe I'll mix it up a little bit and go sit downtown on a beach , or maybe a park, and read. Also, it's looking like I may not be working at Target over spring break, which would be cool because having a week and a half of nothing to do would be nice, but at the same time, working forty hours and making somewhere around $350 would be nice too. Pretty much, either way, my break will be most necessary and hopefully relaxing whatever I choose to do.

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