Dec 10, 2004 13:14
Finals are over, and by finals I really mean final.
I was very fortunate this quarter in the fact that I only had a final in one of my classes, and after a week of procrastination and doing just about nothing , it turned out to be really, really easy. Or so I think. In the end I'm pretty sure that I have A's in all of my classes, with the exception of my Physics class which I might get a B+ in, damn.
A lot has been happening, most notably the Christmas party. I won't get into details, but I will say that my friends rule and it was a good time.
I really don't want to go home. It's not that I don't want to, because I kind of do, if that makes sense. I want to see my friends, I want to spend time with my parents, and I really need money. The only thing is, when I'm at home, all I really do is work at Target, hang out with my friends when I'm not at work, and spend time with my parents when I'm at home. I know that this sounds like exactly what I want or need to do, but when I'm in Olympia working at Target for forty hours a week, I really don't feel like I'm accomplishing things and when I feel like that I get kind of depressed. I haven't yet figured out why I don't get that feeling here, maybe because every three months classes change, and in turn so does my schedule. I'm not sure, and maybe I'll never be. All I'm sure of is that right now I would rather be here than Olympia.
On a better note, going out tonight is going to be a hoot and one fine ending to a strange week. I totally think I'm going to go to the liquor store and by some booze and get an early start, bars are too expensive for a broke ass like me. Plus I totally need to go get some food so I'm drinking on a full stomach.
Anyways, if I don't see you or you have already left for the break, have an awesome winter break, and if you live close to Olympia, I might just come visit you. Peace.