goodbye, there's just no sadder word to say .

Feb 07, 2006 03:04

Guess you didn't expect to see and entry from me, huh? Well, I figured for old times sake, I might as well. I probably should be sleeping right now, but I just can't. I have too much stuff running through my head! Tonight is my last night in Memphis and I'm not sure how I feel about it. My dad came Sunday and picked up the majority of my stuff, I stayed behind and finished cleaning and packing up little things. I stayed with Jenna Kay last night and that's where I am tonight. We sat here for a majority of the night just looking at old photos and reminiscing about old times. Man, I'm going to miss this place.

Last year was pretty rough for me. . I know I wasn't around much and I'm sorry for that. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, I just wanted, needed to be by myself. I worked entirely too much for such a small pay check. I probably could have survived better if I would have had a better paying job. . oh well. I loved my job. The free movies were awesome too. If I wasn't at work, I could usually be found at home. During all that time to myself, I was able to make some decisions that I was struggling with. As many of you know, I'm scared to death of change. I usually try to avoid it at all cost. Moving to Nashville was a really hard decision for me to make. The thing that bothered me the most was what I was leaving behind. My friends. I've made so many memories here in Memphis and I'm just not ready to move on from that. I have a great friendship with everyone here, and even though I don't get to see all of ya'll doesn't mean that I don't think you. It doesn't mean that I don't look back at old photos and have those "remember when" moments. I'll always do that. Everyone of you have made some sort of impact in my life whether you realize it or not. Maybe it was a phone call, or a random conversation or just being around ya'll. I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm going to miss everyone, a lot. When I moved here, I didn't move with much. Sure, I had friends at home but moving here scared me cause all I had was. . .not much, now that I think about it. Now that I'm leaving, I'm carrying so much with me: the memories, the friendships, and lessons learned. I know that just because I'm moving doesn't mean that I'm losing my only means we're farther away. They say the friends you make in college will be your friends for life. I agree.

This is definitely going to be different. I did, however, make this decision for myself. I have always wanted to go to school in Nashville, to live in Nashville and now it's coming true. I know I could finish school here with no problem, especially now since I have my priorities straight. I just feel that this is best for me.

SO. . .now it's almost 5am and I'm exhausted. I'll be around tomorrow. . well today till 2. Then, I'm off to Lexington to take Sandra home and then to good ole brown town. If I don't get to see you before then, don't worry I'll be back and forth this whole month. I know I'll be back Wednesday to pick up my check from work. Sandra and I are pushing the first week in March as our moving date. . so we'll see. I'll keep you updated. Till then, everyone take care and if you need me, you have my new number. . In case you don't. .email me and I'll send it to you.

Thank you for the memories, I'll cherish them forever. I love you all!

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