since this is the most recent photo i have taken, i will pretend this is today, and therefore i will talk about today.
in psychology, we did this trance thing, and all that i took from it was an enormous headache and a longing for sleep. also, i guess, right afterwards for a few minutes i could not move my body. that sure was fun.
in printing, we are doing a linoleum print. and i am fresh out ideas. now, munirah, is your time to chime in with a brilliant theme that i could sneakily use as my own. suggestions, in conclusion, are much appreciated.
in that same psychology class, we need to record our dreams. well, it is extra credit, but i do love me my extra credit. so... so far i have dreamed about
~ a pink umbrella with a ultramarine blue handle and a NASCAR logo
~ badgers
~ a play about sewing with that one guy from Home Improvement
~ substitute teachers
~ my ebay dress
and much more that my subconscious seems to be sheltering from my memory. probably for good reason
oh and one more thing. there is one night that i wrote my dream down in a sleepy stupor. it seemed like good handwriting at the time. but it is not. granted, i had no light and i could barely control my hand, so if you could help me interpret this it would be much appreciated
and a close up of my horse shirt. well, not mine, but anyways