Jan 09, 2009 12:24

It looks like the staff has disappeared. We need to organize ourselves to see that the jobs that need doing keep getting done. I think we're all adult enough to go down to the kitchen when we're hungry and make our own meals. And we can suck it up and do our own laundry.

But we'll need medical staff. Anyone will medical training, please organize shifts amongst yourselves. I'd like to have some kind of doctor or nurse on duty at all times in the infirmary. And we should also have a security guard on duty at all times, for everyone's safety. I'll volunteer for the night shift. Anyone else who's interested, let me know.

And has anyone seen my inmate? Ethan Rayne. Average height, thin, middle-aged, brown hair, British, wears nice shirts?

[filtered from Drusilla]

I need to ask for any volunteers or donors who would be willing to spare any blood you can. I hate to do this, but there's a very crazy vampire here who doesn't care about your "rules" and will attack anyone when she's hungry. I can keep her in line, but I'll need blood and right now I don't have any.

... Who is Drusilla's warden? We need to have a talk.


[private to all vampires]

I understand that you're going through, with this no blood thing. Until I find a better solution, do what the skinny kid with the floppy hair says. But you take one drop more than the human is willing to spare, you answer to me. And I have a zero tolerance policy: one toe out of line and you turn to dust.


[private to Drusilla]

Stay in your room. I will find blood for you. I won't let you go hungry, but if you hurt anyone, I won't give you any more leeway than anyone else.



I can't drink from humans. One drop too many and I don't know that I could stop myself taking it all. There has to be some way to keep myself sane for however long this lasts. I've got the otter blood in my refrigerator. That should last a week, maybe. I can stretch it out for longer.

[added a few minutes later:]

Where the hell's my otter blood? It's my favorite kind.


my past is angsty and mysterious, angelus is never truly gone, helpful angel is very helpful, downsides of being a vampire, captain broodypants, the extra ingrediant is otter, drusilla

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