Or is it 9.9 or X. Meanwhile, I've been cursing at tablet devices for years now. They are not remotely good enough or even usable. Swiping is a horrible inaccurate timewaster. And of course the damn things keep crashing and freezing and crashing and freezing and crashing and freezing and crashing and freezing and NOTHING EVER WOIRKS RIGHT
godamn demonpeople. Instead of tablets there should be visors where you gesture at floating virtual files and folders like a giant control panel.
Old technology:
An obscure analog video disk system:
http://www.amoeba.com/blog/2014/03/eric-s-blog/videodisc-day-an-introduction-to-the-capacitance-electronic-disc-ced-.html 18th Century plan for a skyscraper-sized giant temple:
http://www.etsavega.net/dibex/Boullee_Newton-e.htm Politics:
http://moldbuggery.blogspot.com/The irresistible elite urge to import cheap immigrants (old but hasn't changed):