Dec 29, 2006 13:39
So long ago it was (Eight or nine years)that I read these fics:
Ronin Warriors; New Generation
Authoress was She-Ronin, renamed Sharra Silverblade (I think) Who vanished without a trace.
NewGen is what it sounds like, the grandoffspring of the original Warriors inherit the Armor and battle evil. The new characters were named Ryoko, Akira, Hiroko, Yoshio, and I forget the other one. It was a good fic. I miss it, it never got past chapter 19, left off at a cliff, and damn but I want to know what happened. ;-;
Inuyasha: Ya Pappa Ya Pappa Dog Demon
I don't remember who wrote this, but it was a great crossover. Kagome is related to Ranma, and goes off for a family visit. Inuyasha follows and, aafter being a complete asshat, is hit with the Spring of Drowned Girl water (temporary distilled version.)
Sounds corny, but goodfic.
Author also wrote (featured?) on her site a fic called 'The Pillow Book' about Sesshomaru, which I didn't read. ;-;
Yu Yu Hakusho/Dragonball Z, title unknown
I last read this story in about, er, fifth or sixth grade. It was fabulous, and only at two chapters.
Kurama discovers the dragonballs and their nature, and decides 'Those are so mine now' and goes off to steal them. He succeeds, accidentally trapping himself in Youko form in the process. Hiei, Kuwabara and Yuusuke are curious enough/sent to find out what he's doing, and there's an ass-wupping meet-and-greet with Goku, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta. Set in the Cell Saga timeline. Possibly the best YuHaku Draball cross I've ever read.
ronin warriors,
yu yu hakusho/dbz,