There are more things going wrong right now than there are going right. Every time I feel like I'm finally on an upswing, something else happens to bring me right back down.
I was driving to Canton to get food with people Saturday after the game, and I was pulled over for having a cracked taillight casing, which was letting white light through. I didn't know that it was illegal, but whatever. The cop ran my ID, and came back to the car to let me know that there are not one, but two warrants out for my arrest in Allen Park, from February of this year. One of them is for contributing to the deliquency of a minor (which I was like "well, maybe...") and the other for drug paraphernalia, which is when I knew that there was no way it was me. Which means, of course, that Craig was still giving out my information when he was getting pulled over a year after I had to deal with him doing that and getting my license suspended.
Craig is in jail right now. My mother didn't want me talking about it here, because she's embarassed, but that's just too bad. He's an asshole, and it isn't her fault that he's let his life become this. She wouldn't tell me what he did, because she didn't want to read about it here, but I was told that he broke into my uncle's house after he had his stroke, stold his things, and pawned them. My parents got the items back, and called the cops to come pick Craig up the next day. He knew it was coming, and had his bag packed to run, so my mother arranged for them to come when he wouldn't be expecting it. The girls weren't supposed to be there, but I guess they were. This was a few weeks ago.
When I was going to move home, I was going to be taking Craig's room, since I figured he'd be gone for a while. Well, my mother doesn't want him to go to jail, so she's going to be paying for a lawyer for him and all that. She says if he goes he won't be able to do anything with his life, and he'll pay them back for everything. How many people out there think he actually will?
The worst part about this stuff with Craig is that my mother makes me feel like I'm just as bad as he is. Everyone does. Like I'm some horrible person.
Things with Ang have not been going well. I know most of you out there like to think that it's all because I'm hanging out with Emily (and enjoy spreading rumors about things you know nothing about behind my back, too), but Ang and I actually have a lot of stuff not involving anyone else that we need to work out. I don't really want to get into all of it here. Things aren't going well, but we're still trying. All the shit she's hearing from other people who don't know anything is making it a little bit harder. So thanks for that. Things are so tense when she's out here that it isn't even fun sometimes.
I'm starting to actually make a very littly bit of money at Tower, finally, and I'm actually going to be able to pay rent this month. Well, when I get paid next Wednesday I should be able to. Everything else is iffy, but at least I don't have to feel like I'm fucking Brad and Phil over as much anymore.
Honestly, I feel like everyone out here hates me. Like they don't want to talk to me, don't want to hang out, and just don't want anything to do with me in general.
On the other hand, I've been hanging out with different people who do still seem to enjoy seeing me, and that's been nice, at least. Of course, the fact that I hang out with them is leading everyone to think what they do about Emily and me. So that's not helping anything, either.
Still trying to find a job. I'm thinking it'll work out a little bit better when marching band ends ( :-(, btw) in a few weeks.
It's funny how unattractive a person becomes to me once I see them smoking. I see someone good looking walking down the street, and then see them start smoking, and I'm just completely turned off. I think the only person I was ever "okay" with it was Joanna. Can't really tell you why, though.
I haven't been sleeping well lately. Even on nights when I can get eight hours or so, I just don't. There's so much going on in my head.
I'm no longer the bass player in September On, which is fine with me. Everyone knows I'm a guitar player and vocalist anyways. We had a show this Friday past out in Commerce Township that we did without Carly. It went alright, but the sound in the place was odd. It was a bar/resturant, kind of, and just not set up for a ROCK show. And the monitors weren't set right. Anyways. I sang a bit, and played acoustic guitar the whole time, so it was fun. I'm not sure what's going to go on in the future, with Carly having surgery and being out of any sort of singing for almost two months.
I want to write more, but I really can't.