Nov 30, 2003 19:27
Well Vanessa went home today. We had our usual fighting but we had fun. We went to NYC yesterday and it was ammmmaaazzinnngg!! I don't realize how amazing it was until yesterday. we went to tiffany's and we did the whole shopping thing. I told my Mom Gennaro and I are going to take the bus up there from AC and she didn't say no, so thats a plus.
Friday we went to the mall to be cool like everyone else on Black friday lol. and I got a couple things for my good grades :). We went to my Grandmothers for thanksgiving which is always fun.. I mean with all the fun fighting and all which alllwayss happens when our family gets together. But thats what family's for :-D
Yay, the weekends freaking over and school's tomorrow, WONDERFUL! Another fun week of school! Well I'm goin on and enjoy the rest of the "weekend" <3