Feb 24, 2005 23:10
I GOT NEW MAE!!!! <33333
I had this crazy fucking dream about this girl. She was russian. My parents, as in the both of them, were having a party. Like how rich people do. Big fancy parties and such. Anywho, she came downstairs because we lived in a house, and I was in the basement. And she came down in search of something to drink. And I asked her if she wanted a soda (not knowing she didn't speak english) and she looked back at me the way dogs do when you talk to them, "soda?". And then somehow I suddenly knew she didn't speak very well english, and I quickly hand gestured drinking. Then she smiled big and said "sooooddddaaaaa", the way people do when they realize what they're tlaking about. Or remember a word from a conversation they spoke two or three days ago. Anyway, the rest of my dream was just like flashes as if my life was with her. I married her and such. Kids. The whole shinazzle. Yep.
I missed the very last of The OC. My tape cut out right after Summer looked at the little boy playing with the horse. I'm going to download it tomorrow. Any of you tell me what happens I swear I will slit your throat with a fucking BUTTER knife. (: Have a nice evening. I've The Everglow to enjoy some more. (That was a joke, FBI, don't come arrest me or question me or anyting.)