a little over four years ago...
i was a person of faith.
i saw a revlolution's seeds planted.
i felt the power of the people.
a little over three years ago...
i was in denial of more of the same.
i saw what was sown had not grown.
i felt blue in a blue state.
last week a friend had texted me, "are you watching the cacus"
in fact, i wasn't.
ever since i was able to vote, i grew more more intrigued by politics. at first, i was voting for
prop 215 when i was eighteen, and the re-election of bill. that's all (i'm sure there were a couple local propositions that i voted for after reading them and thinking, 'hey sounds good to me'). by the gore election, i delved deeper into local and state issues. after being pissed about how gore got the popular vote... and didn't win, i looked further into the election process. i even delved as far as the conspiracy theory behind the voting machines in the
2004 election.
after the last election passed, i lost faith. i had placed blame on the american youth. i assumed they knew better. but i had forgot when i was eighteen. all i saw was bill vs bob... and 215. i'm sure all the eighteen year olds at the last election thought, 'bush is a stronger leader than the fip-flopper... and we're at war, dammit!' so i became jaded. by the process. by the people.
so when i got the text, i jumped on the computer to see what was up with the iowa caucuses. i felt the rush again of the climate change. and i don't mean the inconvient truth kind (insert snare/snare/bass/crash here). don't get me wrong, when i grew jaded, i didn't forget the process. i still have voted in every election since i've been eighteen... local, state, eerry single one. i continue to watch the news religiously, and read the paper when i get a chance. but as i watched the streaming footage from last week, i became excited again. and after today's primary in new hampshire, it has gotten really interesting. but i think we'll know the who'll be the candidates for their respective parties by super tuesday, which is funny because it'll be the tuesday after super...bowl (where the chargers will be victorius over the cowboys).
and even more ironic, because super tuesday lies on my 30th birthday.