or at least that's what i'm told. as many of you know, i have a very unique relationship with my mother. this morning i was awaken by my mother pimpin her
miracle drink to me. this is the latest of her "business endeavors". i remember as a child her selling world book, like a lot of other parents out there. i also remember her getting involved with this whole
"your travel biz" thing too. at this point i'm surprised she never got caught up in excel, or 2by2.net, or any of these other little trends.
this whole "spend money to make money" types of business is definitely not for me. i know i could do it if i wanted to, but that's besides the point. the point is, i know it's not for my mother. she doesn't really network. she doesn't really push her products. she doesn't get out there. i have a feeling she has a problem expressing herself properly to others. hmm. that sounds a lil harsh. i'll just say she has a gap in communication and understanding. she can't even pimp her religion to me, how can she sell these other things.
I get my spending habits from my mother. investing in things i really don't need. horrible. oh well..
i find it hard to believe my mother when i've been spoon-fed lies. well, again, maybe "lies" are too harsh. how 'bout her perceived truth. that sounds better. maybe that's why i have a hard time listening to her. hmm. i had a point to this, but i'm not exactly sure how to break it down. i'm sure it's hidden between the lines somewhere. we'll see.