Sep 23, 2005 15:22
I feel good. It's cool.
I wrote a letter to Harriet today, she emailed me today saying she wasn't doign to well at Leeds university. I emailed her a while back saying I was upset, so writing seemed cool, I've never wrote a letter before.
Started watching the OC (it's all Beccas fault). Made me realise Disco is a geek. King geek.
I visited Anwen on Weds, day before she left to go to Uni, that was nice, it was nice to talk to her,and she was very 'Anwen'. I like Anwen.
After seeing her, I saw like 20 people I knew in Treorchy, Leo, Mrs Knott, Steven Carter, My gran, Leon, my uncle, Gareth Hopkins...
Went to Treorchy yesterday as well,that was cool, Disco signed off the dole, thanks to Ricky Gervais (I swear this guy was his brother) and we watched American Pyscho, Christian Bale is amazing. Especially this little dance thing he does.
I'm out of things to say, on this positive day.