It's all Good!

Jul 13, 2007 07:03

I know its been a long time since ive posted anything here, Facbook is just easyer. But for those of you that will not read my note on facebook i feel that its worth wail for me to post it here as well.

I have come to understand something that I would like to shier with you- -

Some times there perfect, but not perfect for you.
Some times there right, bot not at the right time.
When I find the one that is perfect for me, at the right time I will be very happy.
Till then i will have to settle for just being happy,
with life, the universe and everything.

I would also like to relate a short story i heard at the last wedding i was at.

The Bal Semtov was the Misadar Kidushin at a wedding. It was all gonig quite well till the time here the chatan was supposed to to put the ring on the Kalas right forefinger. He said the words(haRay At Mikudeshet lee biTabout Zuo. . .) and want to slip it on her finger, and dropped it! Every one gasped, he picked it up and want to a 2nd shot and dropped it again! He picked it up and looked at the Bal Shemtov who indicated to try again, he did and got it right this time. the rest of the Chupa want with out disturbance.

After the Chupa finished the Bal Shemtov 's students approached him will all these questions and concerns; perhaps it was minashamiyim that they where not to be wed. The Bal Shemtov smiled at them and said "You've got it all wrong , it just wasn't the right time!"

I wash you all a happy Shabbat in this sad 3 weeks, and a very meaningful 9days and last us hope that when it come around there won't be a reason to fast!

Shabbat Shalom
I love you all!


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