Book worm

Nov 22, 2006 02:13

I've been doing a lot of reading the past couple of weeks. The book I picked up in Minnesota, Caddy for Life, was a great story as I think I've detailed previously in this journal. The Bible (yes that's the book for me) of course. Always a great read and there's some really good stuff in there. It can be inspiring. It can be convicting. It can be uplifting. No matter what you always want to come back for more. Last week I borrowed the book Passed Through Fire from Travis. It was really good. Rick Bundshuh has a lot of good thoughts and is very challenging. I recommend it to anyone involved (or who wants to be involved) in the lives of boys in middle school/high school. Sunday, for no apparent reason whatsoever, Ashley gave me three books to borrow. Why? Maybe God wants me to read more. So tonight I started reading Praise Habit by David Crowder. MAN! Good stuff! Great stuff! Deep stuff! Hilarious stuff! I thought of me bro while reading one part in particular because he appreciates pee humor more than anyone I know. I was rolling. I was laughing so hard I almost cried and then I had to try to calm myself down so I could keep reading and every word I read got me laughing again. I'm not even done with it and I will already throw my recommendation out there to anyone who desires to experience God on every level. I also recommend that everyone involved with worship ministry read this book NOW! Man, what a shot at the church! But a good shot, as in stone sharpening stone. And thats only the first 50 or so pages. I have 100 or so to go yet. Not that David has all the answers, God does. But he definitely gets you thinking in the right direction.

Speaking of answers, I'm glad to say that I had the right one for the following riddle when I heard it tonight. When asked to kindergardners they got it right 80% of the time, but when asked to adults they were right only 17%. I'm sure some or most of you have heard it before. After I thought of the answer I thought I remembered getting it in an email forward at some point in the past. Anyway, here's the riddle:

What is greater than God, more evil than Satan, the poor have it, the rich want it, and if you eat it you will die?

Don't think too hard.
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