Feb 15, 2006 21:24
Well, everyone who didn't comment on my last post is a loser. You should all know that my concern was not really with myself, but with the lucky lady who will be going on a blind date/double date with me and the Hankins' (this really nice and cool couple at my church) next weekend.
Anyway, here's a random thought: I posted a while ago that I didn't appreciate comments to my posts from people who I don't know. I'm pretty sure I also said that this was only true when they don't identify themselves. So for whoever it was that made the comment, if you're still reading, feel free to do so again, just let me know who you are next time. Capiche?
So, I had kind of forgotten about this until I was picking out songs for youth group last night, but I played a song as part of the youth worship last week that I wrote. I didn't tell them because (we interrupt your previously scheduled reading for this special news bulletin...)
-----------------------------NEWS FLASH----------------------------------------------
I just recieved a phone call from Mrs. Hankins' (that makes her sound old, but she's not, shes like 26 or something) who said that apparently the lucky lady already has plans with her church for next weekend, so now its getting pushed back another week. This is just way too much suspense for something that may not turn out favorable for one or both parties. Especially since I'm not feeling desperate to find a woman.
---------------------------END OF NEWS FLASH------------------------------------------
(We now return you to your scheduled reading) I wanted to see if they really liked it. Also, I figured they would and I really want the focus to be on God, not on me. And I sometimes feel like the focus is on me a little, which is really bad. Like when the kids come up to me and say, "Duke I really enjoyed your playing" instead of "Duke, thanks for leading us in worship like that. I really felt a connection with God." or something like that. Sure I appreciate being appreciated, but the focus of worship should be on God, not the person or people who happen to be on stage leading. Anyway, they did like it, or at least the adults did. One of them actually said, "Man, I really liked that third song, it was powerful. I'd never heard that one before." I know you haven't (wink!). So I might try writing some more sometime if I find some time.
It seems like I have been running and running everyday of the week. 3 Guitar lessons on Mondays (soon to be 4 maybe 5). Picking out songs for the youth group on Tuesdays and basketball if I think I can fit it in. Youth group on Wednesdays. Thursday is free unless I get roped into playing for the praise team on Sunday then I have to practice on Thursday (which I will probably do this week, because Sunday they asked me to be on the Worship Committee, and I would feel bad if I didn't now). Friday and Saturday are my only free days really, but I always seem to find something to fill them with. But its fun. Oh, and of course I fit in watching every Duke basketball game that is televised to this region (which is all but 3 or 4 this season). Double OH! and three of the deacons in my church told me that they are going to nominate me for deacon next year. WHAT?! Dudes and dudettes, I really don't think I'm "deacon" material. Then again, I'm really not sure what a deacon is supposed to do. Hmmm...
Other than that, I just want to let you all know that I am in pretty good basketball shape now that I have been playing three days a week for the past couple of months and I feel good about that. Not to brag, but I'll wipe the floor with you. Thats all.